
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Romney Stands Firm Against ‘Gay’ Marriage as Obama Sells T-shirts

by: Tad Cronn
The White House’s plans for “Gay Marriage Week” don’t seem to be working out very well.
Except for the habitually overly impressed media and some gay rights groups, most people seem to have greeted President Obama’s “evolution” on gay marriage, and all the attendant stories planted in the media, with skepticism.
By now, a substantial portion of the nation’s population seems to intuitively understand that everything this president does comes from a desire for praise and attention, not from any real passion or conviction.

The entire last week’s worth of stories on gay marriage has been an orchestrated performance to win Obama more gay liberal votes and contributions. So while Obama “evolved” to support of gay marriage (actually returned to the position he held publicly back in 1996), the media dutifully churned out stories about Mitt Romney bullying a gay classmate in high school (the alleged victim’s family denies any knowledge of such an event happening), and the boys in the White House basement have begun circulating through email, Facebook and the blogosphere an article about how Christian churches used to perform gay “marriage” ceremonies (based on the discredited research of a politically motivated professor in the 1990s).
Obama’s online store is even selling gay marriage T-shirts and apparel.
It’s all been a misfire. Most polls that have attempted to gauge voters’ reactions have found a collective yawn to the latest manufactured non-news from the Obama camp.
What is real, however, is the standing ovation Mitt Romney, a Mormon, got at Liberty University, founded by Southern Baptist pastor the Rev. Jerry Falwell.
Romney was invited to give the commencement address and, despite the obvious differences in faith between himself and most of the students, managed to blow the roof off the place when he unequivocally reaffirmed his support for real, man-woman marriage.
“Marriage is a relationship between one man and one woman.”
That was all he said on the subject, and the students gave him a standing ovation. This doesn’t show any special power or ability of Mitt Romney. It might not even mean anything about his popularity. But it does show what the White House, Obama and the rest of the Left don’t understand: Real Americans don’t want to see their country destroyed for the sake of social experimentation just because this country’s gays have a disproportionately loud voice.
The Left has cast its lot with the complainers and those who don’t respect traditional morality.
Romney may not be perfect, but he’s with the rest of us.

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