oped: We not only have a heart problem we have a mentally ill problem...It began when the Progressive Party [CPUSA] took over the DNC as well as our school system nationwide from elementary through the University level.
They took God out of schools and began the dumbing down... making our children useful idiots of the Progressive agenda...Here let me educate you : http://sharlaslabyrinth.blogspot.com/2013/02/barry-barack-obama-is-new-anthony.html
That being said if you want to see what would happen if our 2nd Amendment was removed from the constitution as well as the 1st which is protected by the 2A {not hunting rifles only}you need look no further than North Korea...only the government has guns....need I really say more?

Dear Americans,
Any time there is a shooting, there is probably cause for people to be upset. It is heartbreaking and senseless for innocent lives to be taken. I will be the first person to admit that we need a solution. Creating stricter gun laws, and trying to take guns away, is not that solution.
We do not have a gun problem in our beloved country. We do, however, have a heart problem. Allow me to explain myself.
Guns do not kill people anymore than fork make people fat. See where I am going with this? A gun is an inanimate object that is used. It does not have a brain and cannot move on its own. Guns do not kill people, people do.
Why is it that we blame the driver when there is a DUI, and we blame the bomber when there is a bomb, but we blame the gun when there is a shooter? It does not make sense.
The left is pushing for more gun control. However, taking guns away from law abiding citizens does not create a solution. Newsflash, criminals DO NOT OBEY the law! They are called criminals for a reason! They will still find a way to obtain these weapons. Taking guns away only ensures that good people do not have them to protect themselves.
I will fight for my second amendment rights, and you should too!
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