
Thursday, August 24, 2017

Only Difference Between Alt-Left and Neo-Nazis is Color of People They Hate

by: D Jolly 

A week and half ago, white supremacist groups once again garnered national attention in Charlottesville, Virginia. They were conducting a peaceful demonstration when alt-left hate groups such Black Lives Matter and Antifa attacked them, sparking an hour of violence.

To no surprise the liberal mainstream blamed the alt-right white supremacists for the violence, when video coverage of the event clearly showed that it was the alt-left liberal hate groups that started the violence. 

President Donald Trump did condemn white supremacist groups involved, naming the KKK and neo-Nazis, but evidently, he didn’t do it quick enough to appease the liberals. In fact, Trump condemned extremist groups on both sides of the political fence – right and left.
Then he dared to speak the truth by laying part of the blame for the violence in Charlottesville on the alt-left groups for confronting and attacking the white supremacists. That’s when the media, Democrats and a number of Republicans began to condemn Trump. Many believed that in some way, he was condoning the actions and views of white supremacists, but he never did.

Everyone seems to be so quick to lay all of the condemnation on the alt-right white supremacists and no condemnation on the alt-left extremists. The media and Democrats point to the racist views of the white supremacists but when you sit down and look at many of their views with those of some of the alt-left groups, there is really very little difference – specifically, I’m talking about the neo-Nazis and either Black Lives Matter or Antifa.
All of them are racists. Neo-Nazis hate blacks and other ethnic groups if they are not white. Black Lives Matter hate whites and other ethnic groups if they are not black. The only difference in their racist views is the color of the skin of who they hate.

What about other political issues?
Abortion – Nazis and neo-Nazis are proabortion. They support it here in the US, especially for black Americans. Alt-left groups also support abortion, as do virtually every other liberal in the nation. None of the groups believe in the sanctity of life or that life begins at conception.

Gun control – One of the first things Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Party did in Germany was total gun control and gun confiscation. They may not make it very public, but the majority of neo-Nazis in America also believe in gun control. It’s easier to enslave the population if that population has been disarmed. Alt-left groups, including Antifa and Black Lives Matter also believe in gun control and blame much of the violence in America on the lack of enough gun control laws, not on the people who commit the crimes.

Free speech – Consider that alt-right neo-Nazis, Black Lives Matter and Antifa, all want to restrict the right of free speech for anyone who doesn’t agree with their views. Neo-Nazis don’t want black activists to be able to speak openly and condemn them for their racist and extremist views. Black Lives Matter and Antifa are also trying to silence the free speech of others, especially white supremacist groups, along with any and all white conservatives.

Violence – All three groups have resorted to violent demonstrations and protests while trying to silence the other groups and to get their extremist views across to a gullible public.

America – None of the extremist hate groups – alt-right or alt-left – like the America that many of us knew and loved. They all want to change and mold America into something different, something that supports their extremist and racist views at the national level.
When you boil it all down, other than the color of whom they hate, is there isn’t any real difference between neo-Nazis, Black Lives Matter and Antifa?

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