
Saturday, January 7, 2017

DIRTY SECRETS of VIETNAM - Booby Traps & Snares (720p)

F-4 Phantom the AC John McCain was shot down in.

John McCain and Lindsey Graham are the two biggest War Hawks in the US Senate...however John McCain was a fly boy who only got his boots on the ground after he was shot down hot dogging over Hanoi, and immediately became a songbird to obtain preferential treatment see: 

John McCain...N/Vietnam Broadcast (exceprted) 

Lindsey was a Air Force JAG Officer never served in combat and most of his service time was in the reserves!
Had the two of them experienced boots on the ground and saw up close and personal how cruel the enemy is I wonder if they would have a different outlook...dunno y'all be the judge on that one!

These educational videos depict how the United States encountered various types of traps, devices, or setups intended to spring by surprise, unknowingly triggered by the presence or actions of that person. This primitive technology, as the word "trap" implies, sometimes have some form of bait designed to lure them towards it. At other times, the trap is set to act upon trespassers that violate personal or restricted areas. The device can be triggered when the person performs some type of everyday action e.g. opening a door, picking something up or switching something on. They can also be triggered by vehicles driving along a road.
It shows what a determined cold blooded a non compassion enemy is capable of!
Booby traps are often vicious devices with the sole intention of killing or maiming their victim. They are usually inexpensive, simple to make, and wreak havoc among enemy forces, and as such have been widely used in wars and guerrilla campaigns all over the world.

During the Vietnam War 1965-1975, the 240 km long tunnelsystem was the base of the National Front against the US troups. Bis zu 240 km lang ist das Tunnelsys...  the Cu Chi tunnels in Vietnam. These are the famous tunnels used by the Vietcong during the Vietnam War, allowing them to move s...

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