
Saturday, October 1, 2016

Hillary Coughing Fits Return After Debate


Hillary Clinton somehow powered through the first presidential debate without any overt health issues, but now her illness has returned in full. 

The former first lady had sauntered down to Fort Pierce, Florida to spread her brand of liberal nonsense to the masses when yet another massive coughing fit took hold of her.  This is just the latest in health concerns for the noticeably feeble candidate who has been rumored to be battling Parkinson’s disease. 

“Hillary Clinton attempted to stave off a coughing fit in Fort Pierce, Florida on Friday by repeatedly clearing her throat and popping in a lozenge.
“At first, it appeared she was getting emotional about a line she was delivering from the teleprompter.
“But then it became apparent she was about to have another coughing fit.
“As the crowd cheered and she attempted to wait for the lozenge to take effect, she coughed and her voice became noticably thin.”
Those in attendance were treated to an extra personal affair as well, as Hillary coughed violently into the fist that she immediately used to shake hands with supporters.
You can read more here.

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