However all the foaming at the mouth Trumpsters think so...most did not live in Happy Days...when boys were boys...girls were girls no confusion no #NYCValues...when Gay meant happy not a sexual preference...I lived this era so I can speak to it.. I didn't dodge the draft...heck I dropped out of college put my personal gain on the back burner to serve Vn era...unlike the wannabee Donald who got deferments in college then a fake medical upon graduation 1968 to avoid service for personal gain! Don't jump on Ted he came after the draft was no longer, so he gets a pass!
Ted Cruz is more akin to 'Leader of the Pack' than Donald Trump will ever be...after all Donald was born with a silver spoon in his proverbial mouth unlike a real leader of the pack born with family and friends struggling to make their way...riding a old bike or broken down car to get to work and school...but hey loved every minute of the experience! It's called Old School... working your way up the proverbial ladder ...not born to it!
Y'all be the Judge...and yes this applies to Shep Smith #FoxNews and Anderson Cooper #CNN
Enjoy *Leader of the Pack* Real Life: https://youtu.be/syckLQQBShc
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