Senate candidate and California Attorney General Kamala Harris abused her powers in an attempt to disclose donors of conservative groups. The courts told her no but she won't stop abusing her power! Help us defeat this progressive hero who hates conservatives!
Harris serves as California's Attorney General but she is really bought
and paid for by radical progressive groups. A CA court recently decided
a case telling Harris that she abused her power and ignored the free
speech guarantees of conservative donors.
From Breitbart:
A conservative advocacy group backed by the Koch brothers won a First Amendment victory this week denying California Attorney General Kamala Harris access to the names of conservative nonprofit members and contributors. The conservative nonprofits claimed there was a substantial risk Ms. Harris and/or her staff would leak this confidential data to their ideological opponents and her allies.
the courts told Kamala Harris to follow the Constitution instead of
breaking the law to help her liberal allies. This is not the first time
Harris has been caught red handed using her power to help her friends.
This is not the first time Kamala Harris has used her office to go after conservatives.
since Planned Parenthood was exposed in secret videos selling fetal
body parts Kamala Harris has used her power to go after the pro-life
group that exposed these sickening practices.
From Breitbart.com:
Undercover investigator David Daleiden’s home in California was raided Tuesday by officials under the office of California Attorney General Kamala Harris.
has been investigating Daleiden for months, after his video exposé of
Planned Parenthood’s alleged baby-parts scheme. Harris has taken no
action against Planned Parenthood and defended their practice.
Kamala Harris is a thug dressed up as Attorney General.
is a featured speaker at Planned Parenthood events, she takes their
donations and then does anything they want. She is supposed to represent
justice in California yet it is obvious she is just a politician doing
the bidding of her donors.

Harris has the support of the Obamas in her quest for the Senate. The
President once called her "a future President." And it is no wonder the
Obamas love Harris. This is just a short list of the actions she has
taken as Attorney General and District Attorney.
Cities - Kamala Harris: "I support sanctuary cities, undocumented
immigrants deserve our respect. I know what a illegal immigrant looks
like and they are not criminals!"
Penalty - Harris refused to seek the death penalty for the killer of a
police officer. She says that the killer deserved our compassion.
Marriage - Harris refused to uphold the CA law that banned gay marriage
in 2008. She went against the will of the voters in California to
appease her donors who then put her in higher office.
/ 2nd Amendment - As Attorney General Harris is fighting to take guns
away from law abiding citizens, even military veterans. Yet at the same
time her office has a backlog of tens of thousands of criminals and
illegal aliens who have no right to possess a gun. She doesn't seem to
mind criminals and illegals that have guns, she just wants to stop law
abiding citizens.
is par for the course for fringe radicals like Harris. She supports
illegal aliens over American citizens, she has more sympathy for
criminals than victims and she only follows the laws that she supports.
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Thank You for Defending Freedom!
To Donate by Check:Defenders of Freedom & SecurityRe: Defeat Kamala HarrisPO Box 2489Sacramento, CA 95812
week marks the second anniversary of the creation of the Benghazi
Committee. Throughout the process, liberals have complained about
interminable delays and the cost of the committee. It turns out, we now
know who is to blame for that: Barack Obama's State Department. As Fox News reports:
Read more at http://americanactionnews.com/articles/video-benghazi-bombshell#c50WjdrBRmkegoXy.99
- See more at: http://americanactionnews.com/articles/video-benghazi-bombshell#sthash.LX2mt5We.dpufThe State Department missed its own target date last year for the establishment of a special unit to review Benghazi documents, documents obtained by Fox News show.
The previously unpublished documents, generated by the House select committee that is investigating the 2012 terror attacks, detail how Rep. Trey Gowdy, the panel’s Republican chairman from South Carolina, began working behind the scenes early last year to help the department secure over $4 million in “reprogrammed” funds set aside by Congress for such a unit.
Read more at http://americanactionnews.com/articles/video-benghazi-bombshell#c50WjdrBRmkegoXy.99
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