Take off that sweatshirt Steve you defile a once great police department!
oped: I sure am glad I bailed outta Kawlifornia way back 1994..and I feel sorry for LAPD Officers who have to serve under perverted and sick management..I worked for LAPD Van Nuys Division 1971-1974 then went Fed... it was a great place to work back then...not so much today!
by:Joe Saunders
A firestorm flared and the message was deleted, but not before...
Here’s one more reason for all of America to admire Los Angeles.
Not only is it the left-coast metropolis virtually synonymous with race riots and racial hatred. Not only is it the city that gave Western culture the rap band with a name so foul it can only be spelled with initials (most media won’t even print the full word for the “N” in N.W.A.). And not only does its legendary police force carry a reputation for criminal thuggery that rivals its gang-ridden barrios.
Now, it has a police commissioner who looks down on fellow Americans for being white.
Steve Soboroff, who’s been on the five-member Los Angeles Board of Police Commissioners for the past three years, is taking heat on social media for a Twitter post he published Tuesday then quickly deleted, mocking a crowd at a Donald Trump rally in Indiana for sharing the GOP candidate’s own skin color.
Unfortunately for Soboroff, the eagle eyes at Twitchy.com saw the post before he deleted it, and saved it “for posterity.” Scroll down for Tweet!
Leave aside the fact that Soboroff’s post was, strictly speaking, inane. To say a crowd of people look like they came from the same biological parents is to say nothing more than they bear a resemblance to each other — not the inbreeding the LA police official implies.
More to the point is the insufferable arrogance here. Any government official — but especially one in a sensitive position in a city the size of LA — has no business weighing in publicly with an implied insult against any ethnic group. What’s even more amazing is that Soboroff himself is white, which takes the whole thing to a self-loathing level of guilt-ridden “white privilege” only an American liberal seems truly capable of these days.
Even worse, Soboroff — currently the vice president of the Los Angeles Board of Police Commissioners — justified the post when the Daily Caller asked about it on Tuesday.
“I thought it funny that in a country as diverse and exciting as America that almost all men in crowds were not,” he said. “They were all white. It’s been shown thousands of times and in polls.”
Well, Soboroff might be ensconced out in LA, but he’s been in public life for a long time — long enough to know that a good deal of the country (one might almost say a majority of the country) is white. Since he’s a Democrat politician, he’s also presumably aware that minorities tend to be Democrats, too. So if you put those two things together, logic dictates that a large crowd of Republicans is likely going to be largely white.
Liberals hate to admit it, but facts tend to matter, even in a “country as diverse and exciting as America.”
And the part of the “diverse and exciting” country that Soboroff seems to have nothing but scorn for returned the feeling — with interest.

@ericgarcetti you appointed this nut, do you approve of this dangerous rhetoric and highly inappropriate behavior? pic.twitter.com/M5JyH5DKp4
@Rockprincess818 Did you know Commissioner Soboroff also blamed Chicago on Trump? @ericgarcetti pic.twitter.com/iEm8g5wN5h
@Near_Chaos @sabine_durden @Rockprincess818 @ericgarcetti Anyone expect any better from America hating LA?
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