Rumors. Rumors. Rumors. What would a political blog do if it didn’t have rumors to monger.
First, don’t blame me. Blame Bill Kristol
Bill Kristol ✔ @BillKristol
AZ: Trump 31, Cruz 19, Rubio 10, 30% undecided. Rubio could endorse Cruz in AZ Friday; Romney to UT for Cruz Monday. http://www.bizjournals.com/phoenix/blog/business/2016/03/new-arizona-poll-trump-clinton-lead-but-ample.html?ana=twt …
Today Ted Cruz is in Phoenix for a rally. He’ll be accompanied by former Texas Governor Rick Perry.
A rapprochement between Cruz and Rubio was hinted at last night when Rubio pointedly noted that Cruz was the only conservative remaining in the race. Arizona votes on Tuesday and if Rubio wants to have an impact this is his best bet. In most polls, Trump leads Cruz by about 12 points, or basically the same level as Rubio’s support.
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