[Prime example of a politicians response when caught red handed]
The time has come to address the issue of political intervention of applying laws equal to all...The spirit of the law means no one is exempt no matter if one is Homeless nor the President.
Yes there are certain mitigating circumstance when the spirit of the law can be adjusted but this only applies to infractions of the law such as low misdemeanors such as traffic violations for instance ie: a speeding ticket if one is going one mile per hour over the limit the law says a violation can be issued...but should it be? In my opinion being a retired former local as well as federal LE officer...I say no there are many mitigating circumstances for the over the limit speed...such as odometer error ,terrain (downhill) and radar error not properly calibrated,angle of the cosine etc.
In the past LE officers working traffic adhered to the error factors proticol and never cited until a vehicle was traveling a distance of one mile or more and consistently 5 mph or more over the limit!
In todays world greed and financial mismanagement by local governments has dictated to field officers to cite~cite~cite one mph over the limit is cited as over the limit 1-5 mph and the total fine will be in most jurisdictions approximately $80.00 for a small infraction of the law..and who does this hurt? Middle/lower class citizens who really cannot afford a $80 fine!
Now that I have set the stage let's move to political corruption found from local governments all the way up the proverbial latter to the Office of the President.
Here we find violations of the law (Felonies) rampant and sickening...the higher one goes the greater the offenses become and the greater "Obstruction of Justice" is performed...they in fact become above the law...or so they claim...this is why political appointments of corrupt Judges/Attorney Generals become so important to the political class it becomes a insurance policy, in a sense, to protect them from prosecution of the law of which they know they have or will commit during their careers!
The latest fiasco of 'Obstruction of Justice' is with Hillary Clinton's numerous violations of the law,sedition leading up to Treason ( Not to forget Hillary and Bill's numerous violations from their past..covered up)...the Obama administration directing the 'Appointed' Loretta Lynch to protect it's political agenda *The third term of Obama* via Hillary Clinton carrying the proverbial flame forward!
She is not the only one prepared to carry out the proverbial masters wishes, but is backed up by corrupt appointed Judges who will protect the Attorney General's decision to not prosecute..a sad state of affairs folks...our only salvation would be a *non corrupt* congress to actually act on their authority to Impeach,arrest and prosecute offending parties...but don't hold your breath most in congress are corrupt also...we need a complete cleaning of the house!
What say you? Pass on if you agree !
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