First and foremost the Executive Branch cannot write law therefore this action is illegal and any Law Enforcement officer be it local,state or federal who acts on this illegal directive is subject themselves to arrest and prosecution for illegal search,seizure and false imprisonment... this also applies to the President who enacted this illegal law!
If the Obama administration is so concerned about background checks why not make them free for transfers or sales by private parties through a licensed firearms dealer or local police or Sheriffs Office with a small fee say $3.00 for the dealer and the US Government does the checks for free as they are already on the peoples payroll. As it now stands in Nevada the cost for a quick phone check is $25.00 at licensed firearms dealers not sure what the cost is nationally. This is way too much of a burden for private parties who only sale and transfer on a very limited occasion!
As for those who have a valid CCW permit they have gone through a more detailed background check including fingerprint checks and a BG check is not required for purchases while the permit/license is in effect!
To be blunt there are already sufficient laws on the books covering the purchase of firearms online as well as at gun shows and gun store dealers...this illegal Executive order is just that pure and simple illegal...#EOS
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