
Saturday, October 17, 2015

“Hate Crime Massacre of Christians Finally Silences Obama!”

World Stands Against Radical Islam... World Doesn't Stand With Obama ...
[oped: Need I really say more? a Picture with comments says it all!]

Actor James Woods is not only a talented actor, he is also literally brilliant (as in very intelligent – he went to MIT and reportedly has an IQ of 180). We can see this extreme level of intelligence by watching his Twitter feed and listening as he excoriates the ridiculous liberal policies of the Obama administration.
Woods recently went off on President Obama for his callous handling of the Umpqua Community College shooting a couple of weeks ago. During his Twitter tirade he noted that while President Obama is usually quite quick to point out crimes (or any negative event really) that revolve around a Muslim victim, he was strangely silent about a crime that so obviously targeted Christians. 

Screen Shot 2015-10-16 at 12.13.59 AM

Woods is right.
Obama holds to the same philosophy that his good friend Rahm Emanuel does about “never letting a good crisis go to waste.” The President loves when bad things happen that can reinforce his particularly twisted version of our world, but when horrible things transpire that put his warped views into question… he ignores them (or twists them). In the case of the Umpqua shooting, he ignored the assault on Christians and went straight after the gun freedom angle…
It’s deplorable, but it’s vintage Obama. 
Yup vintage Obama:
“The Koran is our constitution, the Prophet is our leader, jihad ... 
Yes indeed Barry Barack Hussein Soetoro Davis Obama or whatever his real name a Jihad boy no and's if's or but's about it...EOS! 

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