
Monday, October 12, 2015

What is the purpose of College/Universities?

In the days of old if one wanted to be a silversmith,carpenter,doctor,engineer etc would obtain a apprenticeship with one working in that field... it was usually taught to between 1 and 3 young apprentices by a master. 

As the world evolved it was discovered that one master could teach many students at one time in a classroom setting saving time and energy to produce many more future other words a short-cut to experience. A college degree!

That worked out quite well for centuries...however in the last few decades or so this education process has been delegated to professional students known as the new breed of (Masters)professors...who lack real time life experience as they made a lifetime career out of going to school...a few exceptions would be engineers,doctors,working scientists etc.

What makes it even worse is that 65-75 % of all courses taught regardless of the subject matter, revolve around the progressive professors ideology/ political bent wasting precious time/money... and all they seem to teach is social engineering/protesting/community organizing. And students wonder why they are deep in debt and can't find a job after graduation! Well folks this is what Marxism is all about...keep ya dumbed down and in slavery to the government welfare state! Barry Barack Hussein Soetoro Davis Obama or whatever his real name a prime example of the failed university system! [He F's up everything}

Past time to wake the hell up and remove the trash from the US University System/Government...make colleges affordable and useful to the students so they can  actually learn a trade that will get them a good paying job...providing our government wakes the hell up and brings jobs back to the US so we can once again be a world powerhouse
Also a good community college system for those who just want to work a good paying blue collar colleges should be free a continuation of HS... with the exception of books and supplies as it was back in the 1940-50-60-70's 

Just remember 'Theory without fact is hypothesis...Fact without theory is chaos' you may quote me:) 
And for the record what we have in todays world is pure chaos! Enough is Enough YES?

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