
Monday, July 20, 2015

Those who deserve the term hero for military service !

Medal of Honor
[Medal of Honor]

First and foremost I am a veteran US Army Cav 1964-1968 I cannot speak for all veterans however most  will agree that the term hero is reserved for those who go above and beyond the call of duty...the rest of us just served our collective time in the proverbial barrel...we appreciate respect given for service but cringe when called heros...that is reserved for those deserving the title !
In addition the the Medal of Honor above..those who received the Bronze Star,Silver Star,DSC,Air Force and Navy cross are also considered heros of a lesser degree than those who received the top honor MOH!

Addendum: re: Sen John McCain ~ McCain was awarded a Silver Star Medal for resisting "extreme mental and physical cruelties" inflicted upon him by his captors from late October to early December 1967, the early months of his captivity, according to the citation. The North Vietnamese, according to the Navy, ignored international agreements and tortured McCain "in an attempt to obtain military information and false confessions for propaganda purposes."

McCain attended the U.S. Naval Academy from 1954 to 1958, and was commissioned as an ensign in June of that year. He retired in April 1981 with the rank of captain. In that time he received 17 awards and decorations.

Besides the Silver Star Medal, McCain also received the Legion of Merit with a combat "V" and one gold star, a Distinguished Flying Cross and a Bronze Star Medal with a combat "V" and two gold stars.

accurate ordnance delivery" and his "aggressive and skillful airmanship." He earned his Bronze Star 

Therefore John MCain qualifies as a lesser but non the less hero...However as a GOP Senator John McCain sided with the liberal left on 58% of the issues before the Senate,,,akin to Donald Trump...why they are fighting is a mystery ...or they both are helping Hillary be the Judge!

Thats all I have to say on the matter..I hope it helps those in the news media who throw the term hero out there carteblanche'

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