Congress mandated the Marines to institute a program, training women to be infantry officers. Why Congress thinks itself qualified to determine what the Marines should do about anything is any one's guess. Congress is incapable of doing anything correctly, so why allow them to make determinations about serious things (like combat)? Sounds crazy right out of the gates. But, in their infinite wisdom, Congress engaged in a little social engineering (you, improve mankind's lot) and came up with, by fiat, making girls into infantry combat officers. None of the three branches is immune to serious blunders. (See just about everything Congress has done in the last five decades, Dred Scott, Obamacare, joblessness, Benghazi, Roe v. Wade, ad infinitum.)
But, someone somewhere should have seen this one coming. I'm sure they geniuses in the Pentagon and Congress cabal lowered the physical performance standards substantially. But, it was still a "no go." What I've read is that 200 candidates volunteered and every one of them washed out. Men and women are not fungible. Ok, granted, when comparing men and women, ...women are smarter, more sensitive, better at remembering stuff (like anniversaries), better smelling (generally), better at soliciting donations from hostile foreign governments for the Clinton Foundation, looking better in neon pastel colored piano-legged pantsuits (sort of) and better at running around Iowa appearing in phony town hall meetings and staying just beyond the reach of a slavish press corps.
But if I get to chose whether a man or woman gets to pull my aging person from a flaming car or Abrams Tank, a foundering nuclear submarine, the blast radius of a Russian manufactured hand grenade, or an adherent of Mohammed's suicide vest...I'll choose a man every time. Even if I'm blindfolded when I choose my rescuer.

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