by: Dr. Al Sears
Dear Friend,
On September 24, 1955, President Eisenhower – World War II hero and beloved president – was playing golf at his Denver home, when he suddenly collapsed from what was a rare disease at the time.
He had a heart attack.
Although nobody knew it then... and though you won’t read about it in any history book...
This was a watershed moment that would change the course of modern medicine forever.
One that would make heart disease the #1 killer of Americans – and would establish Big Pharma as America’s #1 most profitable industry.
The story I’m unveiling today has HUGE implications for your personal health, and that of your family.
If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with heart disease, you need to know the exact details of what took place.
Because this story doesn’t just tell you WHO is responsible...
It tells you WHY.
As in...
- WHY heart disease rates have soared since 1955 – even as consumption of “heart-healthy” foods and cholesterol-lowering drugs has skyrocketed.
- WHY you could become victim of this drug-induced tragedy – no matter your cholesterol levels or intake of fat.
- And 100 billion reasons why Big Pharma will NEVER cure heart disease.
Yet the REAL story behind it is virtually unknown.
Within 24 hours of Ike’s heart attack, special interests seized the opportunity.
They manufactured a crisis, a founding myth, and a “solution.”
They shoved this propaganda down the American public’s throat.
And in doing so, they singlehandedly sent America’s health spiraling downhill for the next six decades.
Over the next few minutes, I’ll expose this near-60-year-old Big Pharma conspiracy. I’ll name the names. I’ll track the money. And at each stage, I’ll answer the BIG question: “Who benefits?”
What’s more, I’ll reveal how you can safeguard yourself from heart disease forever with solutions that are 100 percent natural, affordable, effective, and safe.
There are alternative therapies you can use to prevent and EVEN reverse heart disease – without expensive drugs, procedures, or even doctor visits.
There are safe treatments that could forever rid your body of heart disease. Treatments you can apply from home, for pennies on the dollar.
But they’re natural, so Big Pharma can’t patent them.
That’s why they do NOT want you to hear about them.
In just a moment, I’ll share with you the shocking details of nine censored heart solutions ... where you can find them at your local grocery, health food store, or pharmacy... and how you can begin using them TODAY.
If you’re one of 70 percent of Americans suffering with some form of heart disease, I urge you to read on for the details.
What you’re about to see could save you a fortune on insanely expensive heart procedures.
Conventional therapies like...
- A $1,500-a-pop statin (cholesterol-lowering) drug prescription...
- A $40,000 coronary stent...
- A $200,000 (or more) coronary bypass surgery...
They could also deplete or even wipe out your retirement savings – even if you have health insurance or Medicare. (According to CNBC, medical bills are America’s #1 cause of bankruptcy, with 1.7 million Americans going bankrupt every year. And procedures like open heart surgery are some of the most expensive out there.)
And the worst part is, it’s all for nothing.
Did you know, for instance, that 85 percent of heart bypass surgeries are unnecessary?
Yet specialists love them because they can cost $200,000 (or more). Not a bad payday.
And the statin drug guidelines are so broad, almost 95 percent of new users are being prescribed drugs they don’t need.
President Eisenhower’s Farewell Address

President Eisenhower warns the American public as he leaves office on January 17, 1961
You’ve likely heard about Eisenhower’s famous farewell address, and his warning of the “undue influence warranted by the military-industrial complex.”Eisenhower was no stranger to the dangers of monopoly corporations pulling the strings of government to increase their power and influence.
What made the military-industrial complex all the more dangerous was its ability to manufacture enemies and crises – which then stirs the American public into a war frenzy, leading to greater war spending and profits.
Big Pharma – the “medical industrial complex” – is no different. They can as easily manufacture health crises – “epidemics” that call for new drugs and therapies, which the unelected FDA then rubber-stamps.
But you shouldn’t waste another cent of your hard-earned money on deadly surgeries or drugs.
As you’re about to see, there are nine life-saving alternatives that are 100 percent safe, effective, and inexpensive.
Today, I’ll shed light on each of these... the FDA’s efforts to censor them... and the independent studies backing their healing power. All the facts you need to build a disease-proof heart.
But before I do, let me tell you the REAL background story behind Big Pharma’s “mother of all lies”...
And how it ultimately took President Eisenhower’s life.
It’s a story that went unreported until recently.
When I dug deep into the history, I found the scheming and intrigue behind this myth was astonishing.
It implicates prestigious researchers, non-profit associations, and their big donors.
Which is why this story remains censored to this day.
In fact, Eisenhower even warned of this secret plot.
And while everybody knows he warned of a military-industrial complex during his farewell address...
Virtually nobody knows about his other warning – a warning just as ominous for the American public, if not more so.
The very first victory of this new “scientific technological elite” took place on September 24, 1955 – within 24 hours of Ike’s famous heart attack. It was...
The Day Everything Changed...
Even though 950,000 people still die every year as a direct result...And although these deaths are easily preventable...
I doubt one in 10,000 Americans know about September 24, 1955.
The events on this dark day triggered a six-decade propaganda campaign – one that’s misled doctors and scientists to...
- Focus on the WRONG causes of heart disease...
- Ignore hundreds of natural, inexpensive, and safe heart disease treatments...
- And instead prescribe dangerous drugs that actually make heart problems worse, alongside 300 other deadly side effects.
Their public relations “experts” immediately appeared on TV and told America a frightening story.
They claimed there was a devastating new “epidemic” of heart disease.
And they blamed excess fat and cholesterol in Americans' diets.
To confront this “crisis,” they declared a new war.
A war on fat.
They labeled ALL fat as evil. Especially saturated fats.
They demonized entire categories of so-called “fatty foods.”
How “The Cholesterol Hoax”
Destroyed the Once-Healthy
American Lifestyle
Twice each day, for six months, the press covered every aspect of
Ike’s recovery – every medicine and every dietary guideline.![]() |
New York Times, April 17, 1956
For the first time the word “cholesterol” entered the public vocabulary.
It became a dangerous evil, a monster, a villain.
They portrayed cholesterol as the “new polio.”
Millions of Americans – frightened by the new “epidemic” – quickly embraced any solutions the so-called “experts” handed out.
When the dust settled, Americans had learned to watch the fat and cholesterol in their diets.
![]() |
New York Times, November 6, 1956
None of it was true.
Not a single word of it.
As the Wall Street Journal recently reported...
“There has never been solid
evidence for the idea that [saturated] fats cause heart disease.”
In fact, later research would confirm these fats have plenty of proven
health benefits, including preventing and reversing heart disease!But once “facts” like these are born, they never seem to die. No matter the research or studies that disprove them. Not when so much money is at stake.
You see, this myth not only gave birth to poor dietary guidelines...
It also spawned the most lucrative class of drugs ever invented.
That includes the most lucrative (and deadliest) drug known to mankind.
Sales to date from this drug alone have totaled a whopping $140 billion!
And this #1 cash cow hinges on this one single myth.
That’s why it will NOT go away so easily.
Your own doctor likely still believes it.
But I think you’ll be surprised at just how little research there is to back it.
In a minute, you’ll hear all the details on how Ike was its first victim.
But first, let me expose how they used Eisenhower’s own doctor to administer their poison.
Ike as Big Pharma’s Guinea Pig?
Although top scientists and researchers were rallying behind the new myth...
Ike’s Doctor Debunks the Hoax
On Censored National Broadcast
In 1956, an American Heart Association fund-raiser aired on the three major television networks. Panelists linked heart disease with cholesterol and fats. They proposed the “Prudent Diet” as a solution – one in which corn oil, margarine, chicken, and cold cereal replaced butter, lard, beef, and eggs.
But Dr. Paul Dudley White dissented. At least at first.
He observed that heart disease was nonexistent in 1900 when egg consumption was three times what it was in 1956, and when corn oil was unavailable.
White nailed it right on the head when he said: “I began my practice as a cardiologist in 1921 and I never saw a heart attack patient until 1928.”
“Back in the heart attack free days before 1920, the fats were butter and lard and I think that we would all benefit from the kind of diet that we had at a time when no one had ever heard the word corn oil.”
Ike Killed by Rat Poison?
The year before Eisenhower’s heart attack, Bristol-Myers’ new blood-thinner Coumadin received FDA approval. Before then, it was used as rat poison.The National Poison Center still labels warfarin – the generic name for Coumadin – a dangerous rodenticide.
And guess who was the first one selected to test-drive the drug?
That’s right – Dr. Paul Dudley White prescribed this rat poison to Eisenhower during the president’s recovery. This move was profitable for Big Pharma, but disastrous for Ike’s health.
When the media reported on Eisenhower’s use of Coumadin, it instantly became the popular go-to drug for blood clot prevention.
And now it’s one of the top 10 most prescribed drugs in the world. One that hands Big Pharma $15.3 billion per year. And it’s growing by the day.
But did anyone hear about Eisenhower’s awful symptoms and side effects?
While he was still on the drug, Ike developed chronic inflammation of his intestines. His medical condition was critical, even requiring bowel surgery, so his doctors temporarily suspended his Coumadin therapy.
After he recovered, Ike again started to take Coumadin, which led to a brain hemorrhage in 1957.
Yet the media, and his doctors, failed to make the connection between Ike’s diminishing health and this dangerous blood-thinner.
Continue Reading
This is a must read for those seeking the truth : http://www.alsearsmd.com/Landing/MB_PatriotANet_A_CC_Eisenhower_20150310.html?utm_source=patriot-a-net-a&utm_medium=mb&utm_term=solo&utm_content=buyer&utm_campaign=cc-eisenhower-20150310
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