The hot political talk is Obama’s VICE interview, where he naturally blames George Bush once again for a problem he has caused – the current terrorist threats in the Middle East.
But Obama spent the first third of the interview, a full 6 minutes on an even greater problem – that of climate change.
Let’s be clear from the get go. This was not an interview. This was a pro-Obama commercial done in a bubble by an obvious Obama sycophant and cheerleader, VICE founder Shane Smith, who is in love with Obama and everything he stands for.
Mr. Smith is obviously a climate change fanatic, for when Obama mentions climate change Smith perks right up. What I found interesting was that the “interview” actually began with a mini docudrama of how Antarctica is melting away.
It’s apparent that one third of the interview regards global warming but it seems they take great pains not to say the words, but rather replace them with climate change, as they do these days. That is until climate change becomes pejorative. The terms used to be interchangeable, but it seems no longer, although Mr. Smith slipped up and said global warming once toward the end. I’m surprised they didn’t edit that out.
Anyway, both Smith and Obama go on to bash that evil climate change denier Senator Inhofe for throwing a snowball on the floor of the Senate. They both thought that was rather tasteless. Smith then says that Obama has “a very sane and rational plan, but we’re not acting in a sane and rational way.” Well – I have to agree with that second part.
Obama then emphatically states that the “Republican Party will have to change its approach to climate change, because the voters will insist upon it.”
Oh really? The fact is that every poll I’ve seen of voter concerns, climate change/global warming is near or more often at the bottom of concerns – so low it barely registers.
Read More: http://commonconstitutionalist.com/
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