oped: First and foremost when dealing with radical Islam one must put it into proper perspective...The Caliphate is akin to a forest fire spreading across the globe...one does not fight a forest fire with a squirt gun (occasional drone strikes) nor by having meetings with the forest fire to appease and compromise, the only way to take control and put out a forest fire is to first cut a fire break and set a back fire to stop the progression. Then a constant bombardment of fire retardant to put out the raging flames.When the fireline has reached the firebreak it has been severely weakened and the flames should be hit by high powered water hoses [going on the offensive] ...At this point hot shot crews are dispatched to do a mop up of hot and smoldering spots making sure they are totally put out and can no longer pose a threat!
Second people being attacked must learn who and what the enemy is all about...do the research learn all about the enemy it's strong points and weak points. May I suggest starting here and continue the research..knowledge is power after all:
by: Audrey Russo
“So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss. If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose. If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself.” ~Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Let me begin with a few questions:
1. Who proposed the resolution to create the various Cabinet positions within the Executive Branch of our government and twelve amendments to the Constitution of which ten became the Bill of Rights?
2. Who is known as the Father of the Constitution?
3. Who organized the first volunteer fire company in 1736, called the Union Fire Company?
4. Who was a member of the Committee of Five of the Second Continental Congress, who drafted and presented to the Congress what became known as America’s Declaration of Independence?
Stumped? Most Americans would be…the answers: James Madison, numbers 1 and 2. Benjamin Franklin, numbers 3 and 4.
As we move further away from the time of our Founding, one of the most tragic realities is that Americans are forgetting who they are and where they came from. Assaulted daily by the mantra of multiculturalism (Cultural Marxism)…coupled with the absence of truth and facts in the classroom, Americans are being placed in a perilous position for the future of the greatest nation on earth.
And as we empty ourselves of who we are…there’s a tyrannical system, known as Islam, chomping at the bit to step into the void…
What makes our situation vastly more vulnerable is the fact that we also do NOT know or understand the basic tenets of this ideology, choosing instead to lean on the ignorance (and propaganda) of feckless leaders. And that reality may ultimately cost us our freedoms…and eventually our lives.
There is a major difference between Muslim society and Western Judeo-Christian society. The only commonality is our humanity. Period.
Muslims as individuals and communally, are profoundly religious, with their faith being rooted firmly in the Quran and Hadiths (the foundation of Sharia Law). It is a political system, totalitarian in nature, cloaked (burqaed) in religion…they are conjoined and inseparable. Everything from personal hygiene, daily wardrobe, behavior inside/outside the home and marketplace, to every aspect of life itself. A totally controlled existence…with no room for modification. Sharia Islamic Law assures complete obedience to the Quran so there is no room for secularism…or separation of Mosque and State.
This is the antithesis of the liberty found in a Judeo-Christian society, where there are extensive freedoms and a secular marketplace. An environment where the dignity and autonomy of each individual is respected and protected by laws.
This distinction cannot be overlooked. Their mindset is at odds with the West in every meaningful way. To overlook this, is to do so at our own peril.
And this is precisely what our leaders and the media are doing.
Acting post haste is not optional, if we are to prevent the hordes of liberty-loathers drooling at the thought of imprisoning us under their draconian dictates.
So, what’s necessary to defend against this enemy?
— Educate ourselves on OUR OWN history. Begin with America’s Founding Documents.
— Educate ourselves on the ideology of Islam, with such researchers/analysts as: Raymond Ibrahim; Robert Spencer; Andrew Bostom; IQ al Rasooli; Reza Kahlili.
— SHARE this info, far and wide…with anyone who has ears to hear.
Know ourselves. Know our enemy. It’s been a winning strategy for centuries…no reason to abandon it now.
Shalom through strength…
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