
Thursday, January 22, 2015

The truth about Islam our elites willfully ignore

Funny jihad extremists cartoon
oped: Indeed...people need to stop with sound bites and talking points and do the research on who and what Islam is all about...ancient history 101...those who ignore history are bound to repeat it! 
Start your qest for the truth here:

To many in the Muslim world, the United States is “the great Satan.” Nevertheless, there is no place safer and more prosperous in the world for a Muslim to live than right here.
Why is that?
It’s because there is something fundamental about Islam we have chosen to ignore due to political correctness. This truth is so self-evident, I find myself nodding my head in agreement with Bill Maher — someone whose worldview is the polar opposite of mine — whenever he speaks on the subject of the West and Islam.
This truth is that Islam has literally been at war with others and itself from the very beginning. It’s founder, Muhammad, spent the last two decades of his life in almost constant warfare. Unlike Christ, who willingly gave up his own life to pay the penalty for the sins of others, Muhammad died taking the lives of others who would not willingly submit to Allah. 

The Clash Of Civilizations: Awaiting The Coming Crusade

This is historical fact.
Since Muhammad left no obvious heir, his followers immediately broke down into rival camps — our modern-day Sunnis and Shiites — that have been warring with each other since long before the Holy Roman Empire gave birth to what we now know as Western Civilization. Furthermore, one of the rationales for forming the Holy Roman Empire in the first place was to combat the Muslim invasion of Europe.

This is another historical fact.
Much of what we today call the “Muslim world” was originally a key component of the Christian world. In fact, the term “Christians” was first applied to Jesus’ followers in Syria. The apocalyptic Book of Revelation begins with letters to seven churches in what was then called Asia Minor, which is our modern-day Turkey. Some of the oldest enclaves of Christianity were in places like Egypt and Lebanon, but their numbers dwindled considerably throughout the centuries due to violent Islamic conquest of those regions.  

ILL SEE YOUR JIHADAnd I'll Raise You One Crusade,funny pictures,auto
[We need a real CIC to give a real solution to the Jihad problem} 
Enough of the Barry Barack enabler of Jihad:

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