By Dale Summitt
For most of American history, stability of government has been
accompanied by turbulent partisan politics, characterized by two
opposing dominant parties. Our Founding Fathers for the most part did
not foresee this. However, a two-party system developed in the early
1790s, during George Washington's first presidential term. The
Federalist Party, led by Alexander Hamilton, favored banking and
financiers, development of industry, infrastructure improvements, and
most significantly, a strong role for the Executive Branch and the
The opposing Democratic-Republican Party led by Thomas Jefferson,
favored agrarian interests and an agrarian-dominant society, opposed big
business and financial interests, and most fundamentally, advocated a
Congress-dominated government and states rights, with a weaker role for
the President and the Executive Branch.
During the two-term
presidency of James Monroe (1817-1825) national political consensus grew
so strong the nation entered a short-lived " Era of Good Feelings " and
the Federalist Party essentially withered and ceased to exist.
Thus as this temporary era of strong national consensus ended in the
late 1820s, the first major political party realignment began.
As that alignment solidified into the Whigs and the Democrats, the Democrat party elected Andrew Jackson as President in 1828.
the " Era of Jacksonian Democracy, it was the Democrats, during the
Antebellum generation from 1828-1854 who championed the " common folk ",
agrarian frontier interests and opposed banks, rich industrialists and
financiers of infrastructure. The Whig Party essentially favored and
promoted these same interests Democrats opposed. Ironically however,
the Whigs favored Congressional dominance and strict
construction/interpretation of the Constitution while Jacksonian
Democrats favored a strong Presidency and Executive Branch.
By 1854, America was moving darkly toward civil war. The issues of
states' rights and slavery were dividing and fragmenting Democrats and
Whigs alike. The Democrat Party survived and was dominant in the South
for the next century. The Whigs, whose remaining strength was in the
North but fractured over slavery and westward expansion, was abandoned
by its leaders and the rank-and-file alike for the new Republican Party
of Abraham Lincoln.

Although the current two-party alignment of
Republicans and Democrats has existed for 160 years, this writer
strongly contends that another major party realignment appears imminent;
it definitely appears urgently necessary. Party platforms, policies
and visions have at times shifted dramatically. A recent example being
the South, having shifted from solidly Democrat as late as 1964, to
solidly Republican since the late 20th Century.
Given the leftist drift of the Democrats and a rightward conservative
shift of the Republican electorate over the past 25 years, America has
again become " a nation divided against itself ". The most recent seven
years of the arrogant, lawless and treasonous Obama administration has
been disastrously aided and abetted by the establishment, dominant wing
of the Republican Party in Congress. For three successive elections;
2010, 2012 and 2014, GOP candidates for House and Senate were elected on
promises to stop the lawless, treasonous "President " Obama. Each
time post-election, most notably after capturing solid GOP majorities in
both houses of Congress in 2014, tough but hollow talk of stopping
Obama continued. To the utter dismay and disgust of tens of millions of
conservative voters who sent them to Washington " with conservative
portfolio ", nothing of substance has ever been acted upon or enacted
to stop Obama's socialist, Muslim-friendly "wrecking ball" agenda.
Americans, especially conservatives, are exasperated and increasing
numbers are ready to quit the GOP and join a new and Constitutional
Conservative party.
Evangelist Franklin Graham publicly quit the
GOP this week. Millions of Conservatives are desperate to save America.
Conservatives watched as Obama's administration tore America asunder
day by day. Conservatives also watched-and became increasingly enraged,
as the GOP-led, GOP majority in Congress sat on their " Jack-and-Jenny
Asses " and figuratively " sucked their thumbs ", granting Obama a clear
path to freely continue his wanton, deviant and evil destruction of
The worsening conservative-liberal political divide has now been
exacerbated by a rapidly deepening divide between the Republican and
Conservative electorate and the Establishment Republicans in Congress
who have utterly betrayed them. Without an electorate to support it, a
political party cannot survive. The establishment GOP dominating
Congress is allowing Obama to run over these Congressional wimps like a
rogue elephant.

The second ominous and dangerous development further exacerbating the
deep political divide in America, is the alarming and arrogant drift
toward fascism/fascist-style collaboration, within both Democrats and
Establishment Republicans. Eerily similar to the sinister deals made
with promise of obscene profits, corporations and financial institutions
in exchange for political power by Hitler in 1930s prewar Nazi Germany,
are the sinister corporate and financial alliances being made in
America today. In the sinister style of Fascism, both Democrats and
Establishment Republicans are controlled by Corporate giants including
high-tech industries, by Wall Street banks and finance industry giants.
This sinister alliance of the wealthy elites with the dominant
leadership of both parties is such an evil alliance it is driving
incredibly destructive policies. Deliberately importing Muslim
immigrants, among whom are terrorists; uncontrolled illegal immigration;
out of control deficit spending; ruthless gutting of our military; a
tax system and a corrupt IRS so unfairly squeezing our middle class that
it is immoral are but selected examples. This evil, fascist-style
collaboration has also used "Obamacare" and " No Child Left Behind " to
destroy our health care and public education systems.
Our government in Washington now become a "defacto one-party rule ", and " defacto one-party fascism.
2016 approaches, the deep political divide among American citizens and
voters is clearly exacerbated by the deep schism between the Republican
electorate and our elected " Establishment" Republicans. The
Congressional GOP members who arrogantly refuse to listen or to act
according to either public will or public interest, and who now openly
and shamelessly collaborate with Democrats and the Obama administration,
have " thumbed their elitist noses " at Conservative America.
In a
loud and clear testament to the rising fury over this Congressional
betrayal, Americans sent a powerful message of warning. That warning
came through the meteoric and unprecedented rise to the top of the GOP
candidate field three presidential aspirants who never have held any
political office.
Earlier this month before Christmas Recess, 313 members of the House and
Senate, both Democrats and Republicans, combined forces to
overwhelmingly pass into law a $2 trillion spending bill that gifted the
Obama administration virtually everything on his evil agenda on the
proverbial " silver platter ". Funding for corrupt Planned Parenthood;
for mass immigration of "refugees" and others from Muslim countries;
funding for illegal immigration processing centers for the massive flow
over our southern border; more deficit spending to bankrupt America's
economy; it includes everything destructive imaginable. Only 122 votes -
95 in the House and 27 in the Senate- were cast against it. Every
angry American conservative and American patriot should pore over the
names of the yea and nay voters and memorize them! Meanwhile, terror
attacks and violent crimes committed by illegal aliens run rampant aside
a do-nothing GOP Congress, which sits idly by a gun-grabbing,
illegitimate " President " Obama.
American conservatives and patriots, full of outrage and seeking to
trailblaze a new path, must form a new political party, electing citizen
statesmen and stateswomen who will fulfill their promises and honor
those who elected them. As millions of those American Patriots and
conservatives board the "Constitution Train" bound for a new party and a
renewed America, Republican Party members of Congress should heed "
last call". Election year 2016 is the last chance for the GOP, and for
its "Establishment Wing ", it may already be too late. After 160 years
major political party realignment is coming. The " Constitution Train
", with perhaps 100 + million conservatives and patriots, spoiling for a
fight, are boarding, and that train is about to leave the station!
our traitors and cowards in the fascist "Establishment Wing " of the
GOP Congress are left behind, the Republican Party will be righteously
replaced and unceremoniously dumped onto the ash heap of history.
American Patriots and conservatives will unite for a new political
party and unite for a renewed America. As Presidents Lincoln and
Kennedy declared and we paraphrase from 1863 and 1961; " America will
experience a new birth of freedom ", and, " here on earth, God's work
must truly be our own ".