
Thursday, July 31, 2014

James Janos aka Jesse Ventura Navy Seal???

Jesse Ventura’s lawsuit against “American Sniper” author Chris ...
Just to set the record straight on one know as Jesse Ventura who claims to be a former Navy Seal...kinda/sorta but not quite one of the proud and few! 
Ventura joined the Navy after high school and was on active duty during the Vietnam era. He served in the US military for a total of six years - four on active duty (1969-1973), and two in the Reserves (1973-1975) with the Navy UDT - Underwater Demolition Team 12. In the Naval Reserves, Ventura was assigned to SEAL Team One (Not a member who completed seal training.) He would later describe SEAL training as the toughest experience of his life. Ventura is still entitled to use the title of Navy "SEAL," for his service in the UDT and SEAL teams, and his successful graduation from UDT.

However : The Navy record for James Janos, the Governor's real name. It shows his rank, store keeper, his Navy SEAL training and his unit: Underwater Demolition Team (UDT) 12. At the time a separate unit from the SEALs. But his missions, performance record, and what he actually did, has all been blacked out by the Navy.

Notation via: Live Leak :
MIKE TRONNES, CURSOR.ORG: "Once he brought it up as a way to defend his overseeing of state conservation policy, by saying that he had hunted man, then at that point I thought it became fair game."

TOM LYDEN:Mike Tronnes runs a Web site,, that takes it's share of shots at the Governor. And in a new posting claims Ventura has exaggerated his military record, and never actually saw combat.

TRONNES: "Well, this really goes to the heart of what he's about as a politician. If he's padding his resume as a Navy SEAL, then maybe there's something going on there that people should know about."

TOM LYDEN:The article is written by Bill Salisbury, a former SEAL. We talked to him by phone.

BILL SALISBURY/FORMER NAVY SEAL: "He was a Frogman and he did dangerous things: jumping out of airplanes and blowing things up, and diving. But he sure as hell didn't hunt men in Vietnam as a SEAL, unless he can come up with something that he hasn't shown the public yet."

TOM LYDEN:Salisbury says his information comes from a commanding officer and two people who actually served with the Governor.

As well as UDT 12's cruise book, a glorified scrap book kept by the unit, which spent most of its time stationed in the Red China Sea in the waning days of the Vietnam War. The only mention of James Janos is that he was on the basketball team.

But most revealing Salisbury says are the commendations on his Navy record. Or rather, what it does not show: a Combat Action Ribbon.

LYDEN (TO VENTURA):"Governor, this Salisbury guy claims that you never saw combat in Vietnam. Did you see combat in Vietnam? Is that true?"

VENTURA: No response.

TOM LYDEN: Bill Salisbury, the man criticizing the Governor, comes with his own impressive resume. He actually trained Navy SEALs, including Senator Bob Kerry, who has found his own SEAL record under scrutiny.

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