
Monday, November 18, 2013

Stepping in Manure – A Liberal Tradition

Just because you step in manure doesn’t mean you should roll around in it. Democrats have the ability to create a problem, make it worst, and attempt to solve it by making it even worst. Obamacare is one problem that the Democrats are making worst all the time. The latest “solution” to the problem is to allow insurance companies to resell the health insurance policies they canceled to others. It doesn’t matter that the insurance companies are mandated to offer one-circus-tent-fits-all policies to customers on the exchanges. They must now participate in the confusion that has become Obamacare.
Making problems worst is nothing new for the Democrats. From the very start, Democrats have not just stepped into problems. They’ve done belly flops into them. When President Jackson opposed a national bank that centralized the source of currency, he appealed to states that wanted to print their own money. If that were allowed today, states like California would have to issue IOU’s while a state like North Dakota would issue currency worth its weight in gold thanks to the gas and oil boom there.

Democrats supported slavery and it took the first Civil War to end it. They supported Jim Crow laws after they stole civil rights from Blacks and it took the second Civil War, that for civil rights, to end it. Obama has possibly started the third Civil War with Obamacare. His desire to make the federal government an all-controlling creature began before he considered running for President. He didn’t let not being a natural-born citizen as required by the Constitution stand in his way. The voters chose him and after nearly four not-so-glorious years in office, they chose him again. Many now regret their choice. But they can’t say they weren’t warned.

Actually, a nationalized health care system isn’t a new idea. Over a century ago, Progressives wanted it. But that was before the government started Social Security and Medicare which made Americans more dependent on the government. FDR had wanted to privatize a portion of Social Security to benefit the private economy. But his advisors told him to let the government handle Social Security. Investing the funds in bonds was safer than investing a portion of the money in the stock market which would have returned a larger return in the decades to come. The stock market might have soared to over 30,000 points by now if a couple trillion dollars had been invested there and monthly checks would have been close to what people earned in a month while they were working. Then when Democrats rolled Social Security funds into the General Funds Account in 1968 to give LBJ a surplus during his last year in office, the surpluses in Social Security began to decrease. By 2040 there may not be Social Security thanks to what Democrats did and thanks to the rotten economy we have now which has drastically reduced how much is coming into the system.

Back in 1992, the Social Security Administration wanted suggestions from the public on how to improve Social Security. I submitted 35 pages of suggestions which included indexing Social Security for the years people retired and issuing them discount cards that would allow them to pay for items at the same price they were when the people retired, investing in the system and investing money from your account to make more money privately that could go back into your account, and having the government invest in the private economy to make it stronger. None of my ideas were adopted which could have benefitted millions of people and made the system more solvent. Even the government would have benefited.
I’ve heard Liberals say that we need a one-payer system for nationalized health care. That would remove the insurance companies and streamline procedures. Sure, it would be nice if premiums dropped in the beginning. But with the government controlling the system, Washington could tell doctors how much they are going to earn, what type of treatment they will be allowed to do, and other things that doctors do without government interference. It’s bad enough that Washington underpays doctors in the Medicare and Medicaid systems and less doctors and hospitals are handling patients in the systems. Doctors are already retiring from medicine because they know how bad Obamacare will be for them. And with Obamacare potentially preventing miracle cures and devices from being developed due to taxation that could drive companies out of business, I foresee multitudes dying early that could have been saved. When you include the longer waiting periods for treatment, discount health care discounts the value of lives of patients.
Three things the government is good at are killing people and destroying things with the military, raising taxes, and creating problems that only the government thinks it can solve. With the government interfering in how the military functions, only the last two things may remain government skills.
The government hammock of dependency may look inviting. But beware of dry rot that will let you fall and hurt yourself.
Photo Credit:  Standard Compliant

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