
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves #Obama #Reid #Pelosi et al


Yes indeed Obama aka Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves. Orphaned as a young child and adopted by a band of notorious thieves (Progressive Liberals), now-grown Ali Baba sets out to avenge his father's ficticious murder, reclaim the royal self impossed throne, and rescue his beloved Amara [Islam] from the iron fist of his treacherous enemy.  [The United States Military and Patriots]
Ok I am one ticked off Middle America Dude...hello I paid into the Social Security fund during my entire adult working life..Congress has been borrowing from the fund for decades and never Obama is stealing Billions from the Medicare fund to finance the ACA Obamacare over I paid into this fund for 45 years...and now that I can collect my reward ...somewhat as I now have to pay a additional $105. per month for part B on top of what I already paid... I find it being depleted for what??? oh yeah more welfare recipients,illegal immigrants etc...this really really sucks big time folks...The only answer to this Fiasco is to defund and repeal the whole damn Obamacare Fiasco...are you listening Congress? Probs not as y'all are part of the problem!

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