via: NumbersUSA
State Legislators for Legal Immigration, a group comprised legislators from 38 states, urged Members of the U.S. Senate to reject S. 744, the comprehensive amnesty bill. Penn. State Rep. Daryl Metcalfe, the founder of SLLI, wrote Senators on behalf of the group saying, “Simply put, states cannot afford to bear the additional budgetary burdens of amnesty through S.744…Congressional amnesty has not worked in the past and history is doomed to repeat itself here.”
The following are additional excerpts from the letter:
“Candidly speaking, the Gang of Eight’s amnesty legislation is out-of-touch with reality, a dereliction of duty and nothing short of a fiscal disaster for the states…While the title of S.744 implies enhanced ‘border security,’ this is nothing more than a smoke and mirrors attempt to deceive the American people.
“The Heritage Foundation recently estimated that amnesty comes with a hefty price tag of $6.3 trillion. This includes over 80 different types of welfare-based programs, at a nationwide cost of $900 billion a year. Municipalities across the United States will also have to sustain the increased cost of population-based services, including: police, fire and core infrastructure (roads and bridges). The cost of amnesty will ultimately be passed on through tax increases on hardworking Americans.
“S.744 also includes a provision for in-state college tuition for illegal aliens. Out-of-state students will be forced to pay a higher tuition rate, while foreign national illegal aliens will be granted a reduced price tag on education, subsidized by American taxpayers.
“Granting amnesty to millions of illegal aliens who broke the rule of law entering the United States is an attack on the American dream. Congress is crushing the American dream for those who are waiting in line to legally enter the United States. This legislation is offensive to legal immigrants and citizens of the United States.
“We respectfully urge you to represent American interests, not foreign interests, and vote NO on S.744.”
SLLI provides state legislators a forum for working together to demand full cooperation among our federal, state and local governments in eliminating economic incentives for illegal immigration and securing our borders against unlawful entry.
Writing on behalf of 56 Pennsylvania state legislators, Rep. Metcalfe also sent a letter urging Pennsylvania’s U.S. Senators Robert Casey (D-Pa.) and Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) to represent American interests.
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