Congress heard your call of "No New Taxes!"
With the support of President Barack Obama, Democrats and even some Republicans were trying to strap on another massive tax to the already over-burdened taxpayers. We asked you take action, and you responded. Because of your efforts, we were able to send over 35,000 letters to members of Congress. Thanksfully, they heard your message, and we are proud to announce that the Internet Tax Bill is dead. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va) announced that his committee will not take up the Senate-passed tax on Internet sales. With high unemployment and a weak economy that is reeling from the Obama Administration's high taxes and stifling regulatory policies, the last thing we needed was more taxes that continue to grow the government. Regardless of whether you support or oppose the idea of taxing internet sales, now was not the time to raise taxes.
Here is what the over 35,000 letters we sent to Congress said:
Dear President Obama and Members of Congress, Our economy is continuing to suffer through an anemic recovery. More taxes will only make it harder for small businesses to hire and grow. That's why I am strongly against imposing the Internet Tax Mandate - or as it is deceivingly named, the Marketplace Fairness Act. There is a desperate need for tax reform, but this is not it. This is only a thinly disguised effort to gouge more money from the American taxpayers. The current policies of high taxes and burdensome regulations have made this economic recovery the worst in modern history. More taxes will continue to sink the hopes and aspirations of the American people. Your trillion dollar deficits have failed to produce the jobs you've promised. Now, hundreds of thousands of Americans are dropping out of the workforce all together. Job creators are being shackled by regulations and strangled by taxes. This is not a solution to a problem; this is just adding more taxes to make our problems worse. I strongly urge you to oppose this Internet Tax Mandate and ANY new tax that threatens the growth of our economy. Do what's in the best interest of the economy, the country, and our future by stopping this effort to take more money from taxpayers and give it to the bloated government bureaucracy. Cut reckless and excessive spending instead. If you want the Tea Party Express to continue to fight the out-of-control growth and intrusiveness of government, please consider making a generous donation today.
We here at the Tea Party Express are guided by our motto "Restore Liberty - Honor the Constitution" and 6 basic principles:
o No more bailouts o Reduce the size and intrusiveness of government o Stop raising our taxes o Repeal Obama-care o Cease out-of-control spending o Bring back American prosperity If you agree with us and want to help further these principles and preserve America's greatness, please help by making a contribution of $25, $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000 or more. |

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