
Thursday, May 23, 2013

*Word* ya can't fight a forest fire with a squirt gun...

Conservatives need to take off the damn gloves... pull out the big hose, tanker trucks and Air support to put out the fire ...the Obama administration uses every trick in the book to attack conservative values~ right out of the Alinsky and old KGB play book..taking the so called 'High Road' just buys the enemies of the the US Constitution and Bill of Rights  time to regroup and counter attack some more ie: LGBT Brown Shirts who have infiltrated and are controlling the DHS and DOJ with the Lil Boy King giving the orders ...another proven analogy is the best defense is a great is way past time conservatives wake up and quit buying into the RINOS nonsense of taking the so called 'High Road'  per 'Dinosaurs' Sen John McCain  & Lindsey Graham et will only lead to defeat!

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