
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The wrath of God..that or a learning process?...dunno!

Ok I have finally figured life out..when I pass on I am going to have a serious talk with God...he screwed up...he should have given us youth in our old age when we have gained enough experience to use it properly...I mean now in me old age I am so confused... horny/hungry becomes a fine line...when young we always go with horny first...then wind up starving in old age do to poor choices made during a moment of boing!!! I know~ I know you are saying and scratching your collective heads...'What the hell is he talking about' and where is he going with this?
Dunnno for sure but hey I can't take much more of the Progressive Libs Mantra/Diatribes... Everyone is equal and deserves free love,sex,food,shelter,clothing,toys etc...and who the hell will be left to pay for all these mistakes?  And what is the cost... Money or our souls? You be the Judge!

I haven't a clue...please let me know when y'all figure it out for real, not on paper as our Congress and POTUS surely love to do! 'Paper Tigers'  'Souless fools' 

And yes by all means you may quote me: 'Theory without fact is hypothesis...Fact without theory is chaos' what we have with the Obama administration is pure Chaos!

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