
Sunday, July 15, 2012

Court-martialed doc: Obama eligibility still in question

Evens the “ch’mos” who were in Fort Leavenworth with Lt. Col. Terry Lakin, the military physician who was court-martialed for refusing orders because he could not get confirmed Barack Obama’s eligibility to be commander in chief, recognized that Obama’s release of a Hawaiian birth document last year didn’t resolve the question.
That’s according to Lakin’s new book, “Officer’s Oath: Why my Vow to Defend the Constitution Demanded that I Sacrifice my Career.”
The just-released book explains what happened in his case, and more significantly, why.
The officer had served with distinction, but decided that based on the available information, he had questions about whether Obama is eligible to be commander-in-chief of the U.S. military and order soldiers into war.
He had tried for years to obtain confirmation through the channels inside the military, through his congressional representatives, and other available channels, to no avail.

So he decided that his oath of allegiance to the Constitution required him to refuse an order from the chain of command headed by Obama. That would, he thought, force the issue, and possibly get an answer.
He got an answer, but not to the question: He was court-martialed and removed from the military. He now has joined a civilian physicians’ practice where he sees patients daily.
Get the book about the officer who challenged Obama now, in Terry Lakin’s “Officer’s Oath.”
In his book, he relates that he was in Leavenworth serving what amounted to a 5-month sentence when Obama released the document he represented as a copy of his original Hawaiian birth documentation.
That’s the document that Maricopa County, Ariz., Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s investigators have concluded likely is a forgery.
But other prisoners called his attention to the news report about Obama’s action and comments, and then asked him.
“One question, Terry.”
“All you were asking for was a birth certificate, correct? If Obama had nothing to hide, how come he didn’t release it a long time ago?”
“I guess what they say is right: no one knows a con job better than a convict,” Lakin wrote.
He addresses his case in chapters titled, “Of Paramount Importance,” “The Truth Matters,” “Doing What is Right,” “Crossing the line,” “Duty, Honor, Country,” and “Walking Righteous.”
The episode with the question from one of the “ch’mos,” (child molesters) comes in the chapter titled 27 April 2011, the date Obama released the document and posted it on the White House website.
Lakin notes that Obama claimed to have “had every official in Hawaii … confirm that, yes, in fact, I was born in Hawaii.”

“‘Every official in Hawaii’? I guess the president did not consult with Tim Adams. During the 2008 election cycle Adams served as senior elections clerk for the city and county of Honolulu,” Lakin wrote.
Adams stated that, “There is no hospital record of his birth in Honolulu … and the Hawaii Department of Health told us in the Elections Office that there was no birth certificate.”
“If you don’t know about Adams, there is a reason why. Within a week of his one radio interview on the subject [he was] put under a gag order,” Lakin wrote. “As of this writing, no official in Hawaii has made a serious effort to look into Obama’s birth certificate, and those who said they did have not been able to keep their stories straight.”

He also cited Obama’s description of concerns over his legitimacy as “silliness.”
“‘Silliness’? Is that what all my efforts amounted to, court-martial and imprisonment included? You might think that at this point I was totally deflated, but I wasn’t. I was a little disappointed, but more confused than disappointed. I hoped his birth certificate was for real, but I was skeptical,” he continued.
He noted that Jerome Corsi’s book, “Where’s the Birth Certificate?” was schedule to be released, and “the pressure was mounting” on Obama.
“I figured the president had to say something, but what he said did not convince me. My fellow inmates knew what I was in Leavenworth for, and they said out loud pretty much what I felt.”
“‘If this is a sideshow,’ said one prisoner, ‘Obama is the one who caused it.’”
Lakin, in an interview with WND about his book, said a major concern that remains is that officers all across the U.S. government take an oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution which, in fact, requires certain qualifications for presidents, including that they be a “natural born citizen.”
That’s where Obama has been challenged, some alleging he wasn’t born in the U.S. and others saying it would make no difference, and the Founders considered a “natural born citizen” to be the offspring of two citizen parents, and Obama’s father was a foreign national visiting the U.S. as a student.

Lakin told WND that he wonders how other officers are able to ignore the Constitution’s requirements, combined with their oath to uphold that document.
Lakin told WND that the general media today “cannot speak the truth,” and Americans must face the realization that if the Constitution is ignored in this situation, the future will hold more incidents where that document will be passed over by those in power.
“We’re in a decline,” he said, and it is “a valid concern that this is a concerted effort by someone who may not be who he says he is.”
“People can hate me,” Lakin told WND. “They can call me whatever they want, think whatever they want of me. But the issue? It’s still not answered.”
Marco Ciavolino, who has worked with Lakin throughout his case and is the administrative trustee for the Terry Lakin Action Fund, said readers should appreciate a man who “took seriously his oath to protect and defend the Constitution.”

And he said there needs to be followup action by all Americans.
“Any elected official or appointee who flagrantly refuses to comply with the Constitution by commission or omission must be called to account,” he wrote. “That is all Terry asked for: simple compliance with the Constitution.”
“The Constitution was not created by accident. It was not a frivolous effort. Some seem to think a bunch of guys were sitting around a pub one night and said, ‘Hey, let’s start a country.’ The founding of our country was anything but that,” he said.

“Our Constitution, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence, and other founding documents came out of thousands of years of struggle, death and dialogue, debate and discussion, bravery and boldness. They were the most precise expression of a form of government that finally abandoned the concept of a sovereign monarchy in favor of government by the people, for the people.”
Jack Cashill, author of multiple books, helped Lakin in telling his story, and David Mercaldo, a New York-based author, wrote vignettes about people involved in his case.
See a blogger’s review of the book:

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