
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

I’m ‘Just’ A Blogger

by: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton 

From The Honolulu Advertiser: In 1728, Ben Franklin opened a printing office in Philadelphia. He produced a newspaper called The Pennsylvania Gazette and his annual Poor Richard’s Almanack.
Journalism used to be an honorable profession dating back to the time of the heralds. Journalism is writing history in real time. It isn’t the business of peering backwards through a glass darkly in a retrospective. It isn’t consensus. It isn’t repeating the meme. It isn’t filtered for political correctness or partisanship. It’s raw and, in its pure form, the unvarnished reality – the deeply disturbing photo of a summary execution, the hysterical observation of the conflagration of a crashing Zeppelin or the fearless observation that a government official has violated both the law of the land – even including the Constitution – and international treaties by supplying arms to active criminals in a subversive effort to abrogate the rights of his own citizenry.

Journalism isn’t who you are, journalism is what you do. It is the courage to tell the truth regardless of personal risk. And so it used to be; today though, we live in an age where being a “professional journalist” means having a license to lie.


When I first saw the video above, I was overcome by several emotions. The first of which was incredulity closely followed by anger as I just could not believe how viciously Juan Williams attacked Michelle Malkin, slinging at her what he considered an insult: “I’m a real reporter, I’m not a blogger out in the blogosphere somewhere…” He couldn’t debate her in the present with a solid retort, so he resorted to what he deemed insults. When Williams was unjustly fired from NPR, the entire conservative blogosphere stood up as one and defended him vociferously. Let’s see, it took him a matter of seconds to revert to his bitter liberal ways, I believe. Juan, I’ve got news for you. The old media is dead, not dying, dead. The new media is what real journalism is – unfettered, real and in your face. A reporter used to make his bones as a journalist by breaking a big story and I do believe you’ve forgotten what that is like. You can just toddle off back to your dinosaur media roots, where all you have to do is look good and pretend to be wise while your viewership slips into oblivion. It’s time for the big boys and girls to roll up their sleeves and do the real work you faux journalists can’t be bothered to do.
If being a true journalist is defined by bravery, ethics, excellent writing and oratory skills –

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