
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Bristol Palin Sued For Defending Her Mother

Bristol Palin SC Bristol Palin Sued for defending her mother

Bursting onto the national scene amid the 2008 Presidential campaign, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has certainly gained a huge amount of conservative and Tea Party support along the way, and few admire her unique approach to politics more than me. Equally ardent, if not much more in some cases, are her detractors, though, as comments by supposed comedian Bill Maher and other liberal losers will prove.
Among the nuttiest expressions of opposition to Palin came last September, when Stephen Hanks, a man in his 40s, attacked Palin’s daughter Bristol in a California bar. Calling Sarah Palin “a whore” and “evil” to Bristol’s face, Hanks also used vulgar language referring to Bristol herself.
Adding insult to injury, Hanks recently filed a federal defamation suit against Bristol. He claims the 21-year-old mother defamed him by inquiring whether he was a homosexual and stating her encounter with him led to her decision to move away from Los Angeles. Additionally, Hanks is suing the Lifetime network for including footage of the encounter in Bristol’s upcoming reality show. It’s amazing to me that Hanks feels that his freedom of speech covers questioning someone’s sexuality (calling Sarah Palin a whore) but does not cover someone else questioning his in return.

Though I shouldn’t be shocked at the idiotic depths to which leftists will sink in order to disparage conservatives, suing a young woman after you viciously attack both her and her family is almost inconceivable. According to reports, Hanks is not just seeking a few dollars. The lawsuit was reportedly filed in federal court only because he is seeking an award of more than $75,000.
I hesitate to speculate too much before all the facts are out, but there’s a reason “Your Momma” jokes are so popular among kids on the playground. They require little advanced intelligence, and they instantly elicit an emotional response from the target. Ridicule instead of reasoned debate is a recurring theme in the liberal’s playbook, yet another similarity between those on the left and immature schoolkids.

Who among us would not snap back with a pointed accusation after a stranger espouses such vitriol? I’m sure the Palins are used to hateful ad hominem attacks, but I think Bristol actually showed restraint in dealing with this verbal onslaught. As for the additional claim in the suit (alleging Hanks was not actually the reason Bristol decided to leave California, citing the fact she purchased a home in Alaska prior to the incident in question), I’m not sure how one goes about deciding what influences someone’s decision-making. Whether or not she bought a home near her hometown, is it not within the realm of possibility that she was toying with the option of living in L.A., too, before she was savaged by Hanks’ foul-mouthed tirade?
Cases like this really drive home the need for comprehensive changes to our nation’s legal system. As I believe tort reform would result in health care reductions across the board, negating the major argument from the left in favor of socialized medicine, I think proposed “loser pays” laws would put an end to many abuses of the court system. This suit, in my estimation, will ultimately be exposed as such an abuse.
While I would be incredibly surprised to see Hanks victorious after all is said and done, his defeat would be so much sweeter to witness knowing he was now on the hook for Bristol’s legal expenses.
Photo credit: forwardstl (Creative Commons)


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