
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

State warned Obama fails ballot requirements

by Bob Unruh
A complaint has been filed asking Pennsylvania state officials to set aside Barack Obama’s 2012 presidential candidacy, because he cannot meet the state’s eligibility requirements.
It’s another case in what is developing into a long list of states in which Obama’s candidacy is being challenged legally. A complaint recently was filed in Indiana, and Georgia’s dispute already is moving to the appellate level. Cases also are reported to be developing in Mississippi, Alabama and other states.
The Pennsylvania case was raised by Dale Laudenslager and Charles Kerchner, whose previous legal challenge to Obama’s term in the White House also was based on eligibility concerns and reached the U.S. Supreme Court, where the justices refused to look at any evidence.
According to a report from the team whose members filed the complaint, Kerchner asserted that after years of research, it “has been determined” that Obama is not eligible to hold the office president because he is “not a natural born citizen” under the requirements of the U.S. Constitution.
Candidates for the U.S .Senate and U.S. House only must meet the requirement of being a “citizen, while a president must be a “natural born citizen.
Kerchner, who works through the Protect Our Liberty website, said Obama is ineligible because of his father.
“Until candidate Obama came along, no president since the founding generation has had a foreign-born father who never immigrated to the U.S.A.,” he said.
He noted Obama’s father never was a U.S. citizen or tried to be one. He returned to his native Kenya after a few years of school in the U.S.
“Candidate Obama was born a British subject/citizen via his foreign-national, non-U.S. citizen father and basic U.S. citizen via his mother and thus was born with dual citizenship and not sole allegiance at birth to the U.S.A.,” he said.
“A dual citizen at birth is not a ‘natural born citizen of the United States’ to constitutional standards,” Kerchner’s report said.
He said the correct definition of a “natural born citizen” is “someone born in the country from parents that are both U.S. citizens (born or naturalized).”
“The Founders reasoned that unity of citizenship and sole allegiance at birth to one nation and only one nation was a prerequisite to the office of president,” his report said. “This requirement was entered into the U.S. Constitution for national security reasons as a ‘strong check against foreign influence’ and allegiance claims via birth status on the person who would be the commander of our armies.”
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