
Friday, September 15, 2017

The end of Hillary Clinton’s empire started Monday (finally!)

by:Frank Holmes 

A lowly state judge may be the one to finally blow Hillary Clinton’s e-mail scandal wide open — by ordering an investigation into three of her closest associates for destroying reams of evidence.
On Monday, Judge Paul F. Harris Jr. of the Fifth Circuit Court in Maryland ordered the state to investigate why Cheryl Mills, Heather Samuelson, and David E. Kendall deleted 33,000 of Clinton’s e-mails while they were serving as her attorneys.
“There are allegations of destroying evidence,” Judge Harris told the courtroom on September 11. “The court is ordering bar counsel to investigate.”
The order came because of a lawsuit brought by Ty Clevenger, an anti-corruption crusader from Texas.
Clevenger says he’s writing a book on how lawyers who have friends in high places get favorable breaks – and how they use that political influence to distort justice. He said the three Clinton lawyers getting by with this kind of misconduct is exhibit A.

Clevenger says he’s amazed that Mills, Samuelson, and Kendall have skated this long. “My thesis is: If you are a politically prominent attorney, you are held to a different standard,” he said.
If Hillary’s attorneys are found guilty of wrongdoing, all three could lose their license to practice law in the state of Maryland.
The rules of the American Bar Association say that someone should be warned over misconduct “only in cases of minor misconduct, when there is little or no injury to a client, the public, the legal system, or the profession, and when there is little likelihood of repetition by the lawyer.”

When you’re talking about the Benghazi cover-up, that doesn’t apply.
“I just think this is a rather easy decision,” to order an inquiry into the three shady lawyers “at this point,” Harris said. The investigation will be conducted by the Attorney Grievance Commission in the state of Maryland — a left-wing state dominated by the Democratic Party and liberal Republicans.
Still, Judge Harris’s order is a landmark for the Hillary e-mail server scandal — and the secrets those thousands of deleted e-mails hold.

The Fifth Circuit Court oversees three counties in Maryland, but Harris has done more to bring Hillary’s lawyers to justice than FBI Director James Comey.
Hillary’s decision to use a homebrew e-mail server while serving of Secretary of State left classified information vulnerable to hackers and foreign intelligence agencies.
Rather than come clean, her campaign deleted the e-mails, made them unrecoverable by wiping the server clean with BleachBit software, and smashed cell phones with hammers – not the actions of an innocent person.

The server scandal is one of the issues that contributed to the charisma-free candidate losing the 2016 presidential election. “The most important of the mistakes I made was using personal e-mail,” Clinton told Jane Pauley on “CBS Sunday Morning” the day before the hearing.
But then she blamed the media for the negative coverage. “It was presented in such a negative way, and I never could get out from under it and it never stopped,” she whined.
Since the election, she has also blamed her loss on Russia, misogyny, Bernie Sanders, Barack Obama, WikiLeaks, fake news, James Comey, Twitter bots, the Democratic Party campaign apparatus, the New York Times, Netflix, and a growing list of actors instead of her inept campaign and poor decisions.

Clinton may have lost the White House, but she and her cadre of attorneys have never faced the music for their corrupt actions. Last July, Comey said that Hillary had mishandled classified material…but he wouldn’t prosecute her because he couldn’t prove intent.
Clevenger’s lawsuit and Harris’s order could finally change all that.
The Horn News will be watching to see what evidence is uncovered… and whether Hillary’s supporters will be willing to take the fall for her, start singing about their old boss and her potentially illegal actions…
…or if they unexpectedly “commit suicide” under mysterious circumstances.

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