
Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Excellent: Georgetown University To Give Admission Priority To Descendants Of Slaves

 oped: Hmmm maybe Georgetown U would do better to actually teach US History/World History/Comparative Religion 101 instead of PC 101! 
Here let me help them:

I wasn’t planning to spend any more time in college. Between my four undergraduate years and year in grad school, I feel as though I got as much out of that experience as I could. But now the promise of being being bumped to the head of the line if I apply for admission to Georgetown University has me seriously contemplating a return to the ivy-covered towers of academe.
The only problem I expect to encounter is providing documentation on which of my ancient ancestors were slaves under pharaoh.

But I’m getting ahead of myself.
The Associated Press reports via TPM News:
Georgetown … will give preference in admissions to the descendants of slaves owned by the Maryland Jesuits as part of its effort to atone for profiting from the sale of enslaved people.
Meh. I should have read the fine print. The slaves from whom I imagine I am descended were held in captivity thousands of years ago, long before there was a state of Maryland, much less Jesuits.

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