
Wednesday, December 23, 2015

BREAKING: San Bernardino Families Reveal Sick Thing Obama Did During “Comforting” Photo-Op

On a stopover last week in San Bernardino, California, President Barack Obama was sure to visit with the families of those killed in the terrorist attack. As for the wounded and their families? Not so much.
According to the U.K. Daily Mail, Obama spent Friday evening with the families of the 14 dead, offering hugs and getting in some photos. However, one local official severely criticized Obama for failing to meet with first responders and the 22 who were left wounded by the Dec. 2 attack.
The visit was carried out as Obama was en route to his annual Christmas vacation in Hawaii.

The San Bernardino attacks, carried out by married Muslim terrorists Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik, has been a cause celebre for an Obama administration pushing for gun control. Recent reports indicate that the president specifically instructed intelligence services to downplay the terrorism aspect of the attack.
San Bernardino Supervisor Curt Hagman said the president was using a terror attack to “to promote his agenda on gun control.” He also called upon Obama to visit with first responders and wounded who “also deserve the president’s time.”
“This is an opportunity for unity and healing at the highest level and I call upon President Obama to be more inclusive with his meeting,” Hagman said in a statement.

Obama’s use of San Bernardino as yet another photo opportunity shouldn’t necessarily come as a surprise. After all, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Obama’s visit to San Bernardino was “patterned after” a similar visit he made to Roseburg, Oregon, in October after a shooting at Umpqua Community College.
During that visit, Obama met with some of the families of victims and pressed for gun control. However, he didn’t meet with either first responders or other family members of the wounded who had expressed opposition to Obama’s use of the tragedy as platform for gun control legislation.
Obama seems rather immune to that sort of criticism, though. As Rahm Emmanuel once said, “Never let a serious crisis go to waste.” The president certainly doesn’t.

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