oped: First and foremost let's address who the ACLU and SPLC really are: In 1920 the ACLU was founded by the CPUSA they gained momentum during the 1930's-1950's McCarthy era representing Hollywood's elite communists...and yes McCarthy was correct about the infiltration of communism within the United States entertainment industry as well as government! At the present time some 80+ members of congress are closet CPUSA members...they had the clause 'Have you now or ever have been a member of the Communist Party' removed from federal employment applications.
This was the start of the end for the United States of America's Republic form of government founded under Judeo/Christian values.
I could cite many links..however I leave it to the reader to do the proper research on the history of the CPUSA the ACLU [Anti-Christian-Legions-Unleashed] and SPLC {offshoot of the ACLU} stop being so damn lazy this is what got us into this mess in the first place ! Research all candidates demand they be fully vetted before being placed on the ballot
The 'Comrades' changed their name to 'Liberal' to be more appealing to the electorate as they systematically took over the DNC...then became known as progressives which is the new term for 'Comrade' ...the end goal being to destroy all Christian/Judeo influence within the Republic form of government.They are using Islam/Muslims to divide our republic and destroy Christianity/Judiasm...once completed they will then turn on Islam !
Bottom line Congress,FBI and the DOJ have failed us... the ACLU is a seditious organization committing treason against the USA #Period
Liberals apparently don't know the meaning of the word liberal. "Classical liberalism is a political ideology that values the freedom of individuals — including the freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and markets — as well as limited government." Liberal used to mean "liberty."
Today, liberalism means "if you don't do what we say as liberals, then we will persecute you, force you out of universities, fire you from leadership roles in high-profile companies, and label you as Nazis."
Now add to that new definition the threat of real violence in the name of "justice":
"A board member for the American Civil
Liberties Union of Colorado has resigned after urging people to kill
supporters of presidential candidate Donald Trump.
"Loring Wirbel’s Facebook post was captured by The Daily Caller – a right-leaning online newspaper.
"The post states, 'The thing is, we have to really reach out to those
who might consider voting for Trump and say, "This is [Joseph] Goebbels.
This is the final solution. If you are voting for him I will have to
shoot you before Election Day." They’re not going to listen to reason,
so when justice is gone, there’s always force, [as Laurie1 would say] …'” (H/T: CBS Denver)

Notice his faux solidarity with the victims of the Paris massacre in the upper left-hand corner of his post -- Eiffel Tower overlaid with the French flag -- and yet he is an advocate of the same type of misguided and evil "justice" as the shooters.
- From a line in Laurie Anderson's 1981 song "O Superman (For Massenet)" [↩]
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