1. Black Lives Matter, All Lives Don’t Matter.
2. College is worthless because it will soon be free.
3. Medical treatment is worthless because it will soon be free.
4. To become an American Citizen is worthless as it will soon be free.
5. The economy sucks and after 7 years in office, it’s not Obama’s fault.
6. The Middle Class is shrinking and after 7 years in office, it’s not Obama’s fault.
7. The Average Family income is dropping and after 7 years in office, it’s not Obama’s fault.
8. Black youths have over a 50% unemployment rate and after 7 years in office it’s not Obama’s fault.
9. Hispanic youth unemployment is over 35% and after 7 years in office, it’s not Obama’s fault.
10. 50% of the Population is paying 100% of all the taxes and they are still not paying their fair share.
11. Everyone who votes Democrat will work less, make more, get more time off, spend more time with family pay less taxes and get more government subsidies.
12. Everyone else does it, so should we, regardless of the results in other places.
13. Government wants more money to squander on promises already broken.
14. The word “Progressive” is the less cringe worthy than saying you’re a Liberal. Actually code for Communist.
15. When America grows up, we want to be Norway, Sweden or The Netherlands.
16. There’s a quagmire in Iraq, Syria and the Middle East and Obama’s retreating from the area and wants nothing to do with the situation.
17. Republicans want dirty air, dirty water, oil spills, trash on the streets, polluted oceans, old people without medical treatment, young people without educations being paid the lowest wages possible, and starving children. They don’t believe in equal rights or Affirmative Action and were responsible for Jim Crow Laws.
18. Snowden and General Petraeus broke laws for releasing and not securing secret documents but Hillary Clinton shares no responsibility for doing the same thing.
19. Marijuana cures all diseases.
20. Marijuana smokers are being imprisoned for smoking a joint.
21. Everything is rainbows and Unicorns.
22. Hillary Clinton does walk on water.
23. Cheaters do prosper.
24. People cheer stupidity.
25. There are only 2 candidates given a voice in the Democratic Race.
26. Hillary and Bill Clinton were born Poor Black Children.
27. All the qualifications needed to be President is to be a woman.
28. Evil looks like anything white, rich, successful and productive.
29. You will receive a participation trophy in life.
30. Agreements of any kind should be signed and committed to even if the other agreeing party doesn’t live up to its obligations.
31. Everything is still Bush’s fault.
32. Oh and about that Black Lives Matter thing, that does not include Dr. Ben Carson.
Yup pretty much sums it up!
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