
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

San Francisco & NYC Sodom and Gomorrah

Don't know about y'all but I for one am sick and tired of San Francisco, Kawlifornia and NYC ,New York dictating to the rest of the 48 states how to think,act,regulate and live our collective lives...I'm sorry but these two areas of the USA are bastions of perversion and are the guilty parties in electing through fraud and cheating  a perverted and unqualified POTUS ! This also includes Chicago, Illinois the third head of the proverbial Beast!

It is past due time for congress to grow a pair and start Impeachment hearings on the whole damn Obama administration and their enablers... the Progressive CPUSA ie: Schumer,Pelosi,Reid,Clinton,Obama  et al

If Congress fails to act I would have no problem with the remaining good guys within the pentagon to do a Sisi of Egypt coup to restore our once great nation! Remove the threats then return power to the real conservatives fighting the good fight within congress!

Thats my take/story and I'm sticking to it...what say you!

Sodom and Gomorrah, two ancient cities, were filled with all types of wickedness. See why God's holiness demanded that Sodom and Gomorrah perish.

Sodom and Gomorrah in the sexy, Holy, Hollywood Version ( image source ...

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