
Sunday, February 1, 2015

NOW Feminist Mocks Joni Ernst for Growing Up Poor

NOW makes fun of Ernst

However, they took the words “fair shot” to a completely different context when Ernst became the target of their ridicule and jokes based upon sharing her bread bags story.
Bonnie Axler is the Florida Secretary for NOW, National Organization for Women, which supposedly supports women. That is, they support progressive Democrat women. Conservative and Republican women are fair game for attacks and ridicule as Axler clearly demonstrated. She was recently caught on video mocking Senator Ernst by wearing bread bags on her feet as well as attacking and questioning her childhood.

Conservative talk radio host and bestselling author Tammy Bruce laid into Axler for her actions.
Others chimed in.

Looks like Axler let another progressive truism out of the bag. They are only the party of the poor if they believe they can control them or buy their votes. If you are conservative and grew up poor, then your experience will be the butt of a joke in an attempt to demean and belittle you.

H/T Twitchy

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