
Sunday, November 16, 2014

REWRITING HISTORY: Turkey’s PM Claims That Muslims Discovered America

oped: Sure they did…& Muslims were also instrumental in developing the space program, discovering the cure for polio, solving world hunger, turning water into wine, led the world during the beginning of the industrial age, developed the internet, world peace, & will soon receive the Pulitzer Peace prize for work that they will do in the future…
Now lets look at what the Muslims have really given the world: animal sex, beheading, infidel gang rape, legalized wife beating, terrorism, constant war, lies, deceit (Taqiyya), & the most disgusting satanic cult that man has ever seen in the history of the world…& that’s a fact Jack! 
Just another rediculous myth about Islam... 

I guess this idea probably fits in with the other Muslims that deny the Holocaust ever happened. Check this out…
Istanbul (AFP) – Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Saturday that the Americas were discovered by Muslims in the 12th century, nearly three centuries before Christopher Columbus set foot there.
“Contacts between Latin America and Islam date back to the 12th century. Muslims discovered America in 1178, not Christopher Columbus,” the conservative president said in a televised speech during an Istanbul summit of Muslim leaders from Latin America.

“Muslim sailors arrived in America from 1178. Columbus mentioned the existence of a mosque on a hill on the Cuban coast,” Erdogan said.
Erdogan said that Ankara was even prepared to build a mosque at the site mentioned by the Genoese explorer.
“I would like to talk about it to my Cuban brothers. A mosque would go perfectly on the hill today,” the Turkish leader said.
History books say that Columbus set foot on the American continent in 1492 as he was seeking a new maritime route to India.
Read more: Breitbart

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