
Monday, October 27, 2014

Christian Parent Upset School Teaching No God but Allah

Tag Archives: Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) 
Over the past fifty years, atheists and liberals have screamed bloody murder whenever there has been a hint of Christianity being taught in the public schools. Any mention of God, Jesus, the Bible, the Ten Commandments have all been forbidden from the classrooms of America’s secular school system. I’ve even heard of some schools being challenged at the mention of abstinence because some believe it’s a subtle reference to Christian teaching. But have you ever heard the same atheists and liberals screaming or even just whining a little bit about the same public schools teaching Islam? In fact, the only people I’ve ever heard complain are Christians, as is the case of one parent in Revere, Massachusetts.    


Located along the coast, Revere is just five miles from downtown Boston and has a population of around 52,000 people. It’s also the home of Necco, the oldest continuously operating candy company in America, who produces billions of Sweetheart candies for Valentine’s Day each year. Revere is also gaining some notoriety for what students in the public school system are being taught which has at least one parent extremely upset. Anthony Giannino says that as a Christian, he is very concerned that his kids are being taught to embrace Islam by the way it is being taught in the schools. Giannino is referring to a textbook that teaches the Muslim Call to Prayer which states:   

“I bear witness that there is no God but Allah.”
According to the reporting by The Daily Caller, the textbook reads:
“‘Muhammad never expected to change world,’ the admiring, rah-rah textbook reads.” “‘Muhammad later tended sheep on the dry hills like many young Arabians,’ the text explains. ‘Later he became a successful merchant and married a wealthy widow. However, he felt as though something was missing in his life, so he went on a retreat.’” “The founder of Islam was ‘upset about the cruelty of his people,’ the text also optimistically explains. They ‘killed baby girls.’ They ‘treated their slaves unkindly.’ And ‘Muhammad had a strong sense of right and wrong.’”
Giannino told the local media:
“No religion should be taught in school. It says Allah is their only God. That’s insulting to me as a Christian who believes in just Jesus only.” “We don’t believe in Allah. I don’t believe in my son learning about this here. If my son was from another country and came here, he would have been catered to.”

The local media interviewed another parent about the textbook who didn’t see a problem with what it taught. Idalia Garcia told them:
“What is Muslim about? What is Christianity about? That’s what I teach at home. Everybody should respect everybody else’s religion.”
But does the same textbook teach the true basic tenets of Christianity or Judaism? In most of the instances I’ve seen over the past few years, textbooks that teach Islam ignore Christianity or teach a perverted view of it. There is no fair treatment. Second, I would ask Garcia to explain to me just how Islam shows respect for other religions when their own writings teach that all non-believers should be converted or slain? It’s not just that Islam has no tolerance for other religions, but it encourages the slaughter of non-believers. Giannino was so upset over the wording in the textbook that he pulled his son out of the elementary school he was attending. I firmly believe that every parent who values their children should pull them out of the public school system if at all possible. The underlying philosophy of today’s public school system is to brainwash your kids into hating America, free enterprise and Christianity. It teaches them to place their loyalty to the world, not America and to embrace socialism and reliance on the government for everything.   

Rush Limbaugh calls Obama the "Imam Obama." Disrespectful or funnier ...
Ever since America elected a Muslim to occupy the White House, it has suddenly become legal to teach and promote Islam in the public schools. For some reason, it does not seem to violate the infamous separation of church of state that has been used to remove any and all vestiges of Christianity from the classroom. Christian students are being banned from praying over the food at lunch but a growing number of public schools are allowing Muslim students to answer the call to prayer and even provide places for them to unfurl their prayer rugs and bow to Mecca. Christian students have been banned from holding the traditional Baccalaureate service for graduating seniors, while a public high school in Dearborn, Michigan is allowed to hold a separate girls only prom for Muslim. Parents need to take an active role in their children’s education. Find out what they are being taught and what their textbooks say. You owe it to them to help protect them from the radical liberal agenda that wants to control them.

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