$16 MILLION on AIRFARE for Obama's Taxpayer-Funded Vacations -- Select Here to DEMAND Congress TAKE ACTION Against Obama's Extravagant Trips!
ALERT: You know those recent trips President Obama and his family took to Africa and Honolulu? New Air Force documents show that the tab to taxpayers for those trips was nearly $16 MILLION -- and that's JUST FOR THE FLIGHTS! According to Breitbart:
"The documents obtained by activist group Judicial Watch show the Africa trip required 35.5 flight hours. At a cost of $228,288 per flight hour, the total cost was a staggering $8,104,224.
For the Obamas' Christmas vacation in Honolulu, starting in December 2013 and ending in January 2014, the documents, obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, show the first family accumulated 36.9 total flight hours. At a cost of $210,877 per flight hour, the flight costs alone for that trip totaled $7,781,361.30, according to the Air Force documents.
That amount, Judicial Watch said in a press release, is $3,695,006.10 more than the Obama family's flight expenses for their 2012-2013 Honolulu Christmas vacation.
The total airfare bill for the U.S. taxpayer for the two trips is $15,885,585.30."
THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS! It's time to STOP Obama's EXTRAVAGENT TRIPS in response to the White House's UNCONSTITUTIONAL power grabs! It's only March -- the third month of the year -- and the Obama family is taking their THIRD vacation... ON OUR DIME!
Barack Hussein Obama keeps setting new records -- this time, he's decided to take his family on ANOTHER taxpayer-funded vacation (to the posh Martha's Vineyard, no less), breaking the all-time record for presidential vacations. This is in ADDITION to the "soft diplomacy" trip to China that the First Lady, Michelle Obama, is taking without Barack -- with both of their daughters AND her own mother. A trip, by the way, which the White House REFUSES TO SAY how much it will cost!
Meanwhile, Russia invaded the Ukraine, overran defense forces in Crimea, and "test-launched" ICBM missiles. To Obama, that meant it must be time for an ANOTHER all-expenses-paid vacation! BizPac Review is reporting:
"President and Mrs. Obama will be vacationing after all, despite the escalating crisis in the Crimean peninsula of Ukraine.And for good measure, so will Vice President Joe Biden. On Thursday, it looked as though events in Ukrainian were going to spoil the Obama's long Florida weekend vacation plans, but the White House announced, not so fast. The Obamas will be staying on in Key Largo, Fla., while Biden will be relaxing by the pool with tropical drink in hand in the Virgin Islands, according to Fox News."
YOU READ THAT RIGHT: The Ukraine may be burning thanks to Russia, and the American people may not be able to tour the White House without jumping through months-long "hoops" -- allegedly because of the "huge" cuts in the budget -- but Barack Hussein Obama's family CAN go on vacations and family trips, such as their jaunt in the Florida Keys or their recent tour of Africa... which cost US the small sum of $60 to $100 MILLION.
But this is nothing new! When President Obama went to sub-Saharan Africa recently, the federal agencies charged with keeping him safe spent up to ONE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS on him and his family!
In fact, newly-released records -- that the White House tried to suppress -- have now shown us that the Obamas are spending MORE than ANY Presidential family IN HISTORY on these trips:
"It took filing a lawsuit, but Judicial Watch discovered Friday that President Obama has set a new record for travel on the taxpayer dime. The conservative watchdog group obtained travel records from the U.S. Department of the Air Force that show the Obamas racked up $7.4 million during just three trips in 2013 -- in flight expenses only... Judicial Watch filed the lawsuit in August 2013, after repeated stonewalling by the White House."
According to a shocking report from the Washington Post:
Hundreds of U.S. Secret Service agents will be dispatched to secure facilities in Senegal, South Africa and Tanzania. A Navy aircraft carrier or amphibious ship, with a fully staffed medical trauma center, will be stationed offshore in case of an emergency.SO, the President goes on and on about how terrible Congress is for the "drastic" cuts (that weren't really cuts at all)... but HE gets to spend a cool hundred mill on ANOTHER overseas vacation for his family... which he writes off as a "crucial" official visit to "partners in regional security conflicts" in order to "forge stronger economic ties"!![]()
Military cargo planes will airlift in 56 support vehicles, including 14 limousines and three trucks loaded with sheets of bullet-proof glass to cover the windows of the hotels where the first family will stay. Fighter jets will fly in shifts, giving 24-hour coverage over the president's airspace, so they can intervene quickly if an errant plane gets too close.
HYPOCRISY much? Thankfully, there are Members of Congress who ARE paying attention and looking out for US, the taxpayers! For example:
"Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) said Monday that he's thinking of a few thing Congress can do to counter President Obama's executive overreach, including cutting off money for his vacations.
'Number one, my colleagues in the Senate have advise and consent, if they want to shut down the Senate over appropriations bills or ambassadorships or other things. The Constitution gives them the power of advise and consent. The Constitution gives us power over the purse,' Gowdy said on Fox. 'So we have appropriation bills that are going to be coming to the House this spring. We ought to strip money away from this executive branch, because our framers gave us that exclusive right to do so. If one branch overreaches then maybe the other branch ought to stick up for itself.'"
We saw similar action taken last year. According to a report in The Hill, Rep. George Holding (R-NC) suggested that rather than spend $100 million on President Obama's pending trip to Africa, the administration should fund the White House tours canceled under sequestration. "For the cost of this trip to Africa, you could have 1,350 weeks of White House tours, which the White House has canceled indefinitely due to budget constraints," Holding said on the House floor. As Rep. Holding also noted, with the country more than $16 trillion in debt, the administration should not be looking to spend $100 million on a weeklong visit to Africa!

Finally, Rep. Chris Stewart (R-UT) introduced H.Res. 111, the "White House Tour Resolution", demanding that President Obama refrain from taking more vacations at the taxpayers' expense until he reopens the White House for regular daily public tours. As Rep. Stewart said, "the President is asking the people to sacrifice, but never himself. We don't have a problem with him taking vacations, but it seems petty to close the White House to tours, when forgoing one or two out-of-town vacations would easily pay for the cost of keeping it open. It's unfortunate that instead of choosing to eliminate wasteful or duplicative government spending as a result of the President's sequester, he has chosen to close the White House to the public. The President is again showing his dedication to politics and not to pursuing sound public policy."
America can no longer afford to finance this pretend "royal family" and the hundreds of millions of dollars they spend on VACATIONS!
Even the liberal New York Times has reported
on the fact that "as federal workers brace for a summer filled with
unpaid furlough days, [the Obamas] are traveling the nation and globe on
trips that exude luxury." The excuses we're hearing like "past presidents did it", and the official White House comment
that this whole boondoggle will be "a great bang for our buck", just
won't hold water this time -- Americans are facing the most severe economic hardships in decades, and this is NOT the time to be spending MORE taxpayer money on Obama family vacations!
It's one thing for the President to make official State visits -- it's another thing for him to keep using these visits as excuses for all-expenses-paid jaunts for Michelle and the girls. It's time for Congress to tell Obama to STOP wasting MILLIONS of dollars taking taxpayer-funded trips, when he won't even open the White House for school kids' tours. That's why we need to take immediate action and get this resolution passed! But we need YOUR help -- send your Blast Faxes to every single Member of Congress NOW!
P.S. As Breitbart has reported, Obama has traveled to Hawaii every winter, which cost taxpayers at least $20 million during his first term alone. The Obama daughters vacationed at the Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas with a full Secret Service detail, even as the White House claimed they "couldn't afford to pay" Secret Service agents $74,000 a week to continue the popular White House tours for other students who are on their spring vacations in Washington, D.C.

Isn't it time the American people CRIED OUT against this lavish lifestyle... at OUR expense? You and I need to STAND UP and DEMAND that Congress TAKE ACTION NOW!
As always, you can also send a FREE message to your Congressman and Senators by selecting here. Thank you.OF CONGRESS, DEMANDING THEY TAKE ACTION
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