
Sunday, March 30, 2014

A Win on the IMF

via:Freedom Works
Grassroots activists saw another victory this week when Senator Harry Reid was forced to drop language from a bill that would increase the amount of funding to the International Monetary Fund. Ted Cruz led the fight to stop the IMF funding, while conservative activists demanded their lawmakers stop this spending.
President Obama and Senate Democrats wanted more money for the IMF. They wanted to spend more of your money overseas.
Patriots like you weren’t having it. You know there is absolutely no reason for American taxpayers to fork over their money to the IMF. Not only does the international organization bail out irresponsible governments, it’s also secretive about how our tax dollars are spent.
Without the hard work of dedicated conservatives, the Progressives would have given more of your money to the IMF. But FreedomWorks members like you sent thousands of messages to Capitol Hill demanding the IMF funding language be stripped from the bill. And DC listened.
This is how the grassroots win.

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