
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

GOP Falling like dominos...#CJINO Gov Jan Brewer fell to the #PSP

have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse ...
[I  have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse ...]

I for one am growing appears now that 80% of all Republicans are RINOS. I believe the same applies to Democrats only 20% are blue dogs,80% progressives...They ignore our cry to uphold the Constitution and Bill of Rights...they thumb their collective noses at us, all the while smiling and saying we understand...just send us more money for the good fight...we are saving the fight for next time,however when next time comes they go right ahead and side with Harry Reid and the progressive party of Barack Obama!
So what can we do after all most of the federal courts have been infiltrated by Homosexual activist judges?

All I can suggest at this point is to withold all political contributions to the GOP and DNC Pacs,only vote for and donate to individual candidates with a proven track record of upholding the Constitution,Bill of Rights and the philosophy of the Torah and the New Testament!

And from this day forward label all politicians who go against the Biblical principals as #CJINO's [Christian Jewish In Name Only] and for all those who adhere to the title 'Progressive' #PSP [Pink Swastika Party]

Let My People Go:

The Pink Swastika Party: SEE:


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