by Bob Livingston
The mainstream media is the propaganda arm of the establishment. Its job is to keep you distracted from important issues and focused on nonsense.
The MSM’s job is more difficult today than it was prior to the advent of the Internet. Back then, it was the only gatekeeper of information. It could easily put the clamps on information it didn’t want you to know, like John F. Kennedy’s affairs or the extent of Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s paralysis or his declining health during the 1944 election.
Since it can no longer completely control the information flow, now the MSM just sends you reeling from one issue to another. It runs from issue to issue like a pack of hyena chasing after scattered carcass bits.
Each day is a new day, and there’s a new scandal. The bigger issues are pushed from the front pages. It focuses on the mundane and on pop culture. Yesterday’s headlines are flushed down the memory hole. The elites can then get a pass by calling it “old news.” If it happened last week, it is no longer relevant.
The media have now latched onto New Jersey Governor Chris Christie like hounds to a bone. Christie’s staff inconvenienced a few thousand commuters in order to punish a political foe. Christie may or may not have known about it beforehand. Christie may have used Federal funds for storm recovery as a slush fund aid to his re-election campaign.
Neither of these events is unprecedented in the annals of the body politic. This is not to excuse Christie’s actions. Christie is no conservative. He is no friend to liberty or the Constitution. He is a statist.
If Christie knew about or ordered the lane closures, he should suffer legally and politically. If he misused “government” funds, he should suffer criminally.
But neither of these rise to the level of Barack Obama misdeeds and those of his attorney general. Obama and Eric Holder sanctioned a gun running operation that armed Mexican drug lords. Americans died at the hands of people wielding those guns.
Obama and the CIA ran guns to al-Qaida-linked terrorists in Libya. The head gun runner, Ambassador Christopher Stevens, died along with three other Americans.
Obama and his minions — including then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton — lied about the nature of the Benghazi operation and the attack, blaming it on an infantile YouTube video. New transcripts reveal that Obama knew from the get-go that the attack had been well planned.
Obama’s Internal Revenue Service engaged in an effort to stymie political opposition by unfairly targeting his political opposition prior to the last election. Holder appointed a political hack to “investigate.” The results of the phony investigation were predictable.
Obamacare is a disastrous failure promulgated on the American people to the benefit of the healthcare industry and the medical-industrial complex. It’s costing people jobs. It’s costing them their healthcare insurance. It’s costing them access to the doctor of their choice. It’s costing them access to the hospital of their choice. It’s even costing people their treatment options. It’s requiring them to fund things they don’t need or, in many cases, they object to.
The media is doing its best to drive you into a traffic jam of confusion. Don’t go there.
And remember, when people die, Obama lies.
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