oped: So the Obama administration not only hates jobs,oil,Christians,Jews,hetrosexuals,military,conservatives,the Tea Party,the 2nd Amendment, non minorities... now he hates the General Aviation community...!
What would happen if the FAA wasn’t there? What if the bill was not payed? what if someone said AirVenture is to big to fail. What would happen if they closed the strip and pulled the lic. of any pilot that landed. What if they came anyway, would the FAA park tanks on the runway. Sounds like someone is looking for a new job.
oped: So the Obama administration not only hates jobs,oil,Christians,Jews,hetrosexuals,military,conservatives,the Tea Party,the 2nd Amendment, non minorities... now he hates the General Aviation community...!
What would happen if the FAA wasn’t there? What if the bill was not payed? what if someone said AirVenture is to big to fail. What would happen if they closed the strip and pulled the lic. of any pilot that landed. What if they came anyway, would the FAA park tanks on the runway. Sounds like someone is looking for a new job.
They don’t just open the tower at OSH for a week so that “rich people” can fly in.
Hardly any of those people are rich. This is just Obama’s attempt to “make this painful” just like he said he would.
The sequestration plan came straight from the white house.
It was intended to be such a disaster that no one would allow it, supposedly.
he underestimated the stupidity of a few congressman.
Or maybe he didn’t. Maybe he planned to destroy the economy all along by doubling the National Debt.
He hates rich people to begin with and he, like a lot of others commenting on here, are stupid enough to think aviation types are part of the rich. Of course he is too stupid to know the “rich” are paying all the bills so the rest of the whiners on here that pay no federal taxes can go to the government hog trough for their free stuff.
And then some nitwit explains to us that it’s the fault of Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity.
That comment is so stupid it doesn’t even deserve a reply.
It does need to be repeated to demonstrate the pure ignorance of anyone that would make it so :
“Hilarious how in an acknowledged time of necessary sequestration to remedy the Bush deficit abyss and deal with Hannity/Limbaugh/RNC-inspired congressional obfuscation and inaction,”
This is laughable. except to say that at least this guy admits that is was deemed “necessary” and planned from the beginning by Obama.
by General Aviation News Staff
FAA officials have “demanded” $500,000 from the Experimental Aircraft Association for air traffic control expenses during its AirVenture convention next month or threatened to pull support for the event, EAA officials said Tuesday. In a report in the Fond du Lac Reporter, EAA Chairman Jack Pelton said the FAA’s demand for a contract and advance payment is akin to holding the organization hostage in exchange for air traffic services necessary to keep the event safe.