Conservative American,
Some of our Nation's founders rightly warned against "standing armies," having the memory of King George III's continental troops and their tyranny fresh in their minds.
It was James Madison who said that, "A standing military force, with an overgrown Executive will not long be safe companions to liberty."
Madison is being proven correct today; his statement rings true in regards to Obama's Department of Homeland Security.
Would the Great Virginian Founder have guessed that, in addition to an Army and Navy, the U.S. President would wield his very own domestic security force?
The fact is, Obama and Janet Napolitano's DHS is becoming more and more militarized. In its most recent move, Homeland Security bought nearly three-thousand fifteen-ton tanks!
That's right; the DHS just purchased 2,717 Mine Resistant Armor Protected Vehicles -- or MRAPs - which they have retrofitted to operate American streets.
These "light tanks" are more than capable of withstanding major combat.
Navistar Defense, the company that builds MRAP vehicles, describes these heavily armored vehicles as able to "withstand ballistic arms fire, mine blasts, IEDs, and other emerging threats."
The question is this: What on earth is this ever-growing DHS expecting?
They are literally preparing for war.
Fax Congress and Demand that they DEFUND and DISMANTLE Obama's police state! They must kill appropriations for all unconstitutional purchases, programs, and executive orders that would deprive Americans of their God-given liberty! Select Here and Take Action!

(See the DHS's video release on their recent purchases here)
Remember, this same department also possesses of over 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition!
Andrew Malcom notes in his piece at Investors that ammunition in this amount could've serviced the government's peak military involvement in Iraq - when 5.5 million rounds were fired per month - for twenty-four years!
Malcom adds:
"But DHS has been silent about
its need for numerous orders of bullets in the multiple millions.
Indeed, Examiner writer Ryan Keller points out Janet Napolitano's agency
redacted information from some ammunition solicitation forms following
media inquiries.
According to one estimate, just since last spring DHS has stockpiled more than 1.6 billion bullets, mainly .40 caliber and 9mm. That's sufficient firepower to shoot every American about five times. Including illegal immigrants."
According to one estimate, just since last spring DHS has stockpiled more than 1.6 billion bullets, mainly .40 caliber and 9mm. That's sufficient firepower to shoot every American about five times. Including illegal immigrants."
(For DHS ammunition solicitations see here, here, here, and here.)
Sarah Palin, not one to be taken for a conspiracy theorist, believes that the Executive Branch is accumulating rounds in order to quell civil unrest that she believes will result from economic collapse based on our unsustainable national debt.
Palin wrote on her Facebook page: "Put a fork in us. We're finished. We're going to default eventually and that's why the feds are stockpiling bullets in case of civil unrest."
Congress must prevent the Executive Branch from expanding its personal military - one that is literally capable of waging war on Americans - and defund these out-of-control, unconstitutional DHS purchases and programs!
Fax Congress and Demand that they DEFUND and DISMANTLE Obama's police state! They must kill appropriations for all unconstitutional purchases, programs, and executive orders that would deprive Americans of their God-given liberty! Select Here and Take Action!
Obama's DHS has been stockpiling weapons and ammunition - hollow-points no less - for what purpose? Remember, Homeland Security is placing these orders, not the Department of Defense! In fact, the DHS just recently requested an additional 7,000 "personal defense weapons."
Is Obama's "civilian military" being assembled under our noses - the one he hinted at during his 2008 campaign when he said,
cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the
national security objectives we've set. We've got to have a civilian
security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as
(Note: The defense budget at the time of this statement was $439 billion; to keep the "civilian" force "just as well-funded" would require an additional $438 billion.)
Georgia's Rep. Paul Broun says that Obama's "civilian military force" is:
"totally against freedom, it's not in the best
interest of the American people ... [it's] exactly what Hitler did in
Nazi Germany, it's exactly what the Soviet Union did. In fact, every
dictatorship [had] established a national police force or national
security force ...As a peace-loving, freedom-loving American who
believes in the
Constitution as our founding fathers meant it to be, I'm just extremely
fearful of this kind of mentality."
So far as one can tell, Rep. Broun has been proven absolutely correct.
Nobel Peace Prize winner Dr. Jim Garrow told Ben Swann in an interview that the Obama Administration, right now, is dispelling military officers that aren't willing to fire on American citizens!

(Click here to watch the full interview.)
Garrow said, "... the Obama Administration is in fact pushing the military into doing that that are a breach of the Constitution and a breach of the Second Amendment."
Fax Congress and Demand that they DEFUND and DISMANTLE Obama's police state! They must kill appropriations for all unconstitutional purchases, programs, and executive orders that would deprive Americans of their God-given liberty! Select Here and Take Action!
Since Obama took office, military training exercises in public locations have not been uncommon - in fact, they are described as "routine."
Just last month, for example, black helicopters were "buzzing around" Miami. Their purpose? Police told the Miami Herald:
"This ... routine training conducted by military personnel [is] designed
to ensure the military's ability to operate in urban environments,
prepare forces for upcoming overseas deployments, and meet mandatory
training certification requirement."
In case that isn't scary enough, read this comment from the Examiner:
"Nevertheless, the sight of soldiers rappelling onto rooftops and the sound of gunfire have many
At one point, a photographer in Miami captured video of a military helicopter firing its machine guns as it flew over an area freeway. The chopper was firing blanks, but an artist visiting the city apparently didn't know that.
'I heard the machine gun fire and then I hit the deck...I didn't know what to expect, and it was one of the loudest things I'd ever heard,' Josh Epperson said."
At one point, a photographer in Miami captured video of a military helicopter firing its machine guns as it flew over an area freeway. The chopper was firing blanks, but an artist visiting the city apparently didn't know that.
'I heard the machine gun fire and then I hit the deck...I didn't know what to expect, and it was one of the loudest things I'd ever heard,' Josh Epperson said."
While Obama's DHS is loading-up on ammunition - enough rounds to plug every American about six-times - and buying "assault weapons" - the very kinds that gun-grabbers are trying to remove from the hands of Americans - many Congressmen remain sitting on their hands!
When will Congress stand-up and fight for the people they claim to represent?
When will they flex their muscles and check the power of the overgrown Executive Branch?
Congressional action is long overdue and things are only getting worse... action is needed now! They must take action and defund Obama's police state!
Fax Congress and Demand that they DEFUND and DISMANTLE Obama's police state! They must kill appropriations for all unconstitutional purchases, programs, and executive orders that would deprive Americans of their God-given liberty! Select Here and Take Action!
In the Virginia Ratifying Convention of 1778, George Mason identified one of King George III's tactics to control the colonists: disarmament.
Mason said:
years ago, when the resolution of enslaving America was formed in Great
Britain, the British Parliament was advised by an artful man, who was
of Pennsylvania, to disarm the people; that it was the best and most
effectual way to enslave them; but that they should not do it openly,
but weaken
them, and let them sink gradually ..."
Our founders knew well that big government always prefers to rule by disarmament, because an unarmed populace - like Mason rightly noted - is an "enslaved" one.
In addition to providing specifications for an army to be raised for the defense of the States' freedom (see: Article I, Section 8, Clause 12); the Second Amendment to the Constitution established "the right to keep and bear arms." Thus, the Constitutional provision for Congress to create Armed Forces is treated as separate from the individual's right to hold his own arms. In other words, the Second Amendment was not adopted to establish rights for an army; no, it was adopted to codify the natural, individual right to self-defense and as a block against tyranny.
On January 16 - just over one month ago - Barack Obama made a declaration in front of the nation in opposition to this basic, constitutional right.
His nearly thirty-minute address on "curbing gun violence" was an assault on the Second Amendment.
Despite his oath of office - which he recently recited for a second time - where he placed his hand on the Bible and proclaimed that he will, to the best of his ability, "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States" - Obama has worked against the Constitution in the name of defending it.
Though many of his executive actions urged Congress to take action - regardless of the fact the not one of the twenty-three are in the proper role of the general government - Barack Obama has stood against the People's right to keep and bear arms.
Obama wants a disarmed public, despite his claims that he supports the Second Amendment.
Let's be clear: Obama wants to be in full control. Gun-owning, self-sufficient Americans are the very people that stand as a threat to him and his Big Government agenda. He hates individuals strong-enough to bear arms and care for themselves and their families.
Simply, Obama wants a nation of sheep.
But Congress - the People's representatives - must act on our behalf and stop his attack on gun ownership and dismantle his police state completely!
Fax Congress and Demand that they DEFUND and DISMANTLE Obama's police state! They must kill appropriations for all unconstitutional purchases, programs, and executive orders that would deprive Americans of their God-given liberty! Select Here and Take Action!
Obama just added another weapon to his arsenal against American citizens - the "Interagency Working Group to Counter Online Radicalization to Violence."
While the agency's high-sounding title may sound admirable, it only takes one scratch on its surface to prove otherwise. The key is in the questions: Who is does the agency target? Who are the so-called "radicals"?
Seeing that White House website describes the group essentially as a digital counterterrorism police force - able to "investigate and prosecute" - it isn't striking to see groups like al-Qa'ida listed as targets. However, what is striking is the agency's listing of "sovereign citizens" among legitimate terrorist organizations.
That's right; Obama's new "digital cops" are directed to take action against so-called "extremists" who "believe that even though they physically reside in this country, they are separate or 'sovereign' from the United States."
These are Americans he is after!
Under this criterion, our founding fathers would today be considered enemies of the state, and their Declaration of Independence called a "terrorist" manifesto!
It looks like West Point's junk-study that essentially declares war on patriotism is paying off...
How many more bricks will Congress allow the Dictator-in-Chief Barack Obama to lay in his building of the American Police State? Further, how many more Americans will be arrested, imprisoned, or added to Barack Obama's personal kill list?
We must tell Congress that enough is enough! They must completely defund Obama's gestapo-type agencies now!
Fax Congress and Demand that they DEFUND and DISMANTLE Obama's police state! They must kill appropriations for all unconstitutional purchases, programs, and executive orders that would deprive Americans of their God-given liberty! Select Here and Take Action!
The United States as "the land of the free" is swiftly becoming fiction and Obama's "fundamentally transformed America" is becoming reality.
While it is true that all branches of government have encroached upon our God-given freedoms - the Congress and the Courts both playing a part - America's overgrown Executive is chiefly to blame.
That's right; the Constitution and the Rule of Law have been flipped on their head by Barack Obama and his Administration through executive orders, memoranda, and other "emergency" actions.
In 2013 alone we have seen Obama's full-blown attack on the People's Second Amendment, essentially re-writing it to read "the right to keep and bear arms shall
In Obama's "fundamentally transformed America," Americans themselves are targeted by the police and the military.
How much longer will Congress - a separate, but equal power - allow the Constitution and the Rule of Law be trampled by Obama and his hired men?
Barack Obama has been and is the most dangerous, reckless president in our entire nation's history and it is time that upright members of Congress stop him!
The House and the Senate must take action against Obama's dictatorship by fully defunding and dismantling his police state programs!
Fax Congress and Demand that they DEFUND and DISMANTLE Obama's police state! They must kill appropriations for all unconstitutional purchases, programs, and executive orders that would deprive Americans of their God-given liberty! Select Here and Take Action!

For America,
Conservative Action Alerts
P.S. Obama's unconstitutional actions must be opposed! Tell Congress to destroy and defund Obama's police state! Select Here to send your free letters to your lawmakers!
Conservative Action Alerts (CAA) is a media outlet protected by the first amendment; no financial contribution to support our efforts is tax-deductible. Diener Consultants, Inc., 10940 S Parker Rd Ste# 763, PARKER, CO 80284-7440
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