by Bob Unruh

A jihadi writer who has praised the murderer of a Dutch filmmaker is offering a suggestion to cut down on the criticism of Islam around the globe: Behead the critics and post their heads along roads.
Oh, and post a sign that says, “This is the punishment of those who insult our prophet.”
The report comes from the Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor, a unit of the Middle East Media Research Center.
The organization, which monitors Middle East media, said the comments were made by Muhib Ru’yat al-Rahman, a senior writer of a leading jihadi forum called Shumoukh al-Islam.
He suggested that Muslims living in Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands and the U.S. kill Westerners who criticize Islam and display their decapitated heads along roads.
“While expressing respect for those calling to boycott European and American products over the release of the film ‘Innocence of Muslims,’ which negatively depicts Muhammad, Muhib insists that the best way to deter people from insulting Muhammad and his wives is to implement his proposal,” the terror monitor report said.
The report said it was in a posting called “Allah Willing, This Is How We Will Avenge Our Prophet Against Those Insulting Him.”
“The writer praised Dutch-Moroccan Muslim Muhammad Bouyeri, who killed Dutch film-maker Theo Van Gogh in 2004 over the latter’s production of ‘Submission,’ a film criticizing Islam’s treatment of women. Dozens of forum members praised the post, expressing their agreement with the writer’s suggestions,” the terror survey said.
“One member, using the handle ‘Abdul Khaleq 20,’ posted two recently published YouTube links featuring Muslims protesting ‘Innocence of Muslims’ in Amsterdam, while chanting anti-American slogans and bearing images of slain al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden, radical Yemeni-American cleric Anwar Al-’Awlaki, and Muhammad Bouyeri,” the report said.
“Those are his [Bouyeri's] admirers in Amsterdam. They are carrying images of the martyred Sheikh Osama and Sheikh Anwar, and also images of brother Muhammad, may Allah release you from prison, Oh Muhammad Bouyeri,” the forum participant, “Abdul Khaleq 20,” wrote.Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs noted the report and simply said, “More tolerance and respect from savages demanding tolerance, respect and submission.”
Geller has waged a battle in New York, Washington and other cities to post a pro-Israel ad, after numerous pro-Palestinian ads already have appeared.
Just this week, a court hearing is set on her purchase of ad space in the Washington metro transit system, and her ads in New York went up after a judge ruled the city could not censor the message.
That message is “In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man. Support Israel. Defeat Jihad.”
Her posters in New York immediately were vandalized, and she said it proved her point about savagery.
The suggestion for beheadings recalls the recent reports from WND that Muslims in the Middle East are returning to crucifixions as a method of punishment.
WND had confirmed a Sky News Arabia report of the crucifixion of dissidents in Egypt.
Then a report from Lebanon Today translated into English, said the Yemeni jihadist group Ansar al-Shariah took control of the Azzan area of Yemen and imposed Islamic law, or Shariah.
In the process, the group crucified three men, accusing them of being agents for the U.S. The executions reportedly took place several months ago.
Former PLO operative turned terrorism analyst Walid Shoebat says the inscription in the photo of one of the victims reads, “He was crucified for three days in accordance to Shariah.”
Shoebat says Lebanon Today reported the group carried out the Shariah-prescribed penalties, explaining the multiple executions were retribution for passing information to U.S. forces to carry out attacks by pilot-less drones.
According to Shoebat’s translation, the report said:
“One they nicknamed ‘Captain’ was executed by crucifixion for three days at the entrance to the city of Jaar in the Abyan province, to be viewed by passersby entering and leaving the city.
“Two Saudis and a Yemeni were also executed by the sword at dawn at the hands of Ansar al-Shariah, and [the terrorists] absolved [a] fourth defendant from execution for his young age..
“A leader in Ansar al-Islam claimed that these who were executed belong to the province of Marib, [and were executed] for planting trackers on cars that belong to al-Qaida leaders to be targeted by the drones.”
According to Shoebat, the article said an analyst in the region claimed the crucifixions are “something new.”
When Geller’s message appeared, according to the New York Post, a self-described “liberal Muslim,” Mona Eltahawy, “strolled up to one of the signs at the crowded 1/2/3 train mezzanine at the Times Square station and sprayed pink paint on the ad.”
The report said a Manhattan mother, Pamela Hall, rushed to stop Eltahawy, who insisted she had a right to deface the message.
“I think this is freedom of expression, just as (the ad) is freedom of expression,” Eltahawy said.
She was arrested and accused of creating graffiti, possessing a graffiti instrument and criminal mischief.
Tim Graham of Media Research Center pointed out that Eltahawy has appeared periodically on NBC, MSNBC and CNN. He noted that in CNN’s reporting on the confrontation, Eltahawy was identified only as an “activist.”
Geller, who noted the latest developments at her blog, Atlas Shrugs, said the destruction actually validates the message to oppose jihad and savagery.
“The defacement is a metaphor for the entire national conversation on these issues. Hundreds and hundreds of anti-Israel posters ran all over the country. Not one was defaced,” she said.
However, Geller said: “One anti-jihad poster goes up, and it’s defaced within an hour, while its creator faces defamation, smears and libel. Mona Eltahawy, a Muslim writer who was herself assaulted in Egypt by people she called ‘beasts’ took a can of spray paint to our ad and assaulted a pro-freedom blogger, Pamela Hall, who tried to stop her.”
The video “Innocence of Muslims” apparently is only a 14-minute project on Youtube that Muslims say insults Muhammad. Protesters around the globe have screamed about it while threatening the U.S.
Even the White House, despite evidence that an attack in Libya that killed four Americans including the ambassador was terror-related, has blamed the violence on the video.

A jihadi writer who has praised the murderer of a Dutch filmmaker is offering a suggestion to cut down on the criticism of Islam around the globe: Behead the critics and post their heads along roads.
Oh, and post a sign that says, “This is the punishment of those who insult our prophet.”
The report comes from the Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor, a unit of the Middle East Media Research Center.
The organization, which monitors Middle East media, said the comments were made by Muhib Ru’yat al-Rahman, a senior writer of a leading jihadi forum called Shumoukh al-Islam.
He suggested that Muslims living in Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands and the U.S. kill Westerners who criticize Islam and display their decapitated heads along roads.
“While expressing respect for those calling to boycott European and American products over the release of the film ‘Innocence of Muslims,’ which negatively depicts Muhammad, Muhib insists that the best way to deter people from insulting Muhammad and his wives is to implement his proposal,” the terror monitor report said.
The report said it was in a posting called “Allah Willing, This Is How We Will Avenge Our Prophet Against Those Insulting Him.”
“The writer praised Dutch-Moroccan Muslim Muhammad Bouyeri, who killed Dutch film-maker Theo Van Gogh in 2004 over the latter’s production of ‘Submission,’ a film criticizing Islam’s treatment of women. Dozens of forum members praised the post, expressing their agreement with the writer’s suggestions,” the terror survey said.
“One member, using the handle ‘Abdul Khaleq 20,’ posted two recently published YouTube links featuring Muslims protesting ‘Innocence of Muslims’ in Amsterdam, while chanting anti-American slogans and bearing images of slain al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden, radical Yemeni-American cleric Anwar Al-’Awlaki, and Muhammad Bouyeri,” the report said.
“Those are his [Bouyeri's] admirers in Amsterdam. They are carrying images of the martyred Sheikh Osama and Sheikh Anwar, and also images of brother Muhammad, may Allah release you from prison, Oh Muhammad Bouyeri,” the forum participant, “Abdul Khaleq 20,” wrote.Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs noted the report and simply said, “More tolerance and respect from savages demanding tolerance, respect and submission.”
Geller has waged a battle in New York, Washington and other cities to post a pro-Israel ad, after numerous pro-Palestinian ads already have appeared.
Just this week, a court hearing is set on her purchase of ad space in the Washington metro transit system, and her ads in New York went up after a judge ruled the city could not censor the message.
That message is “In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man. Support Israel. Defeat Jihad.”
Her posters in New York immediately were vandalized, and she said it proved her point about savagery.
The suggestion for beheadings recalls the recent reports from WND that Muslims in the Middle East are returning to crucifixions as a method of punishment.
WND had confirmed a Sky News Arabia report of the crucifixion of dissidents in Egypt.
Then a report from Lebanon Today translated into English, said the Yemeni jihadist group Ansar al-Shariah took control of the Azzan area of Yemen and imposed Islamic law, or Shariah.
In the process, the group crucified three men, accusing them of being agents for the U.S. The executions reportedly took place several months ago.
Former PLO operative turned terrorism analyst Walid Shoebat says the inscription in the photo of one of the victims reads, “He was crucified for three days in accordance to Shariah.”
Shoebat says Lebanon Today reported the group carried out the Shariah-prescribed penalties, explaining the multiple executions were retribution for passing information to U.S. forces to carry out attacks by pilot-less drones.
According to Shoebat’s translation, the report said:
“One they nicknamed ‘Captain’ was executed by crucifixion for three days at the entrance to the city of Jaar in the Abyan province, to be viewed by passersby entering and leaving the city.
“Two Saudis and a Yemeni were also executed by the sword at dawn at the hands of Ansar al-Shariah, and [the terrorists] absolved [a] fourth defendant from execution for his young age..
“A leader in Ansar al-Islam claimed that these who were executed belong to the province of Marib, [and were executed] for planting trackers on cars that belong to al-Qaida leaders to be targeted by the drones.”
According to Shoebat, the article said an analyst in the region claimed the crucifixions are “something new.”
When Geller’s message appeared, according to the New York Post, a self-described “liberal Muslim,” Mona Eltahawy, “strolled up to one of the signs at the crowded 1/2/3 train mezzanine at the Times Square station and sprayed pink paint on the ad.”
The report said a Manhattan mother, Pamela Hall, rushed to stop Eltahawy, who insisted she had a right to deface the message.
“I think this is freedom of expression, just as (the ad) is freedom of expression,” Eltahawy said.
She was arrested and accused of creating graffiti, possessing a graffiti instrument and criminal mischief.
Tim Graham of Media Research Center pointed out that Eltahawy has appeared periodically on NBC, MSNBC and CNN. He noted that in CNN’s reporting on the confrontation, Eltahawy was identified only as an “activist.”
Geller, who noted the latest developments at her blog, Atlas Shrugs, said the destruction actually validates the message to oppose jihad and savagery.
“The defacement is a metaphor for the entire national conversation on these issues. Hundreds and hundreds of anti-Israel posters ran all over the country. Not one was defaced,” she said.
However, Geller said: “One anti-jihad poster goes up, and it’s defaced within an hour, while its creator faces defamation, smears and libel. Mona Eltahawy, a Muslim writer who was herself assaulted in Egypt by people she called ‘beasts’ took a can of spray paint to our ad and assaulted a pro-freedom blogger, Pamela Hall, who tried to stop her.”
The video “Innocence of Muslims” apparently is only a 14-minute project on Youtube that Muslims say insults Muhammad. Protesters around the globe have screamed about it while threatening the U.S.
Even the White House, despite evidence that an attack in Libya that killed four Americans including the ambassador was terror-related, has blamed the violence on the video.
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