Oped: Jack: True conservatives are willing to criticize their own...unlike the DNC and the GOP RINOS who circle the wagons and turn a blind eye to the facts!
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Gary DeMar

We now know that Paul Ryan is Mitt Romney’s VP pick. Shortly after
Congressman Paul Ryan’s appearance at the 2011 Faith and Freedom
Conference in D.C., a Bible-waving protester confronted the Chairman of
the House Budget Committee and questioned him for modeling his proposed
budget after “the extreme ideology of Ayn Rand rather than the basic
economic justice values of the Bible.”
The protestor offered Ryan a Bible and advised him to “bone up on
what it says about how we should treat the poor and vulnerable” with a
specific “focus on the Gospel of Luke.” The protestor offered no
particulars but I suspect that he was part of the “red-letter Christian”
brigade of social activists who believe the Bible promotes a socialist
form of economics. Ryan politely turned down the Bible. He told the
protestor that he already had one.
The Bible does not teach socialism of any kind. The first directive of
economics in terms of the Bible is found in the Eighth Commandment: “You
shall not steal” (Ex. 20:15). This applies to governments, even if a
majority of people empower the State to steal from some people so what
is stolen (taxed) can be given to other people.
Are conservatives making a mistake by appealing to the works of Ayn Rand
(1905–1982), a dedicated and proselytizing atheist whose personal life
is not something that anyone but the most consistent libertine would
want to emulate? Are any of Rand’s economic views unique to her? Do
conservatives really need her writings when they have the works of
Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Milton Friedman, and many others?
Christians have written a great deal on the Bible and economics.
Dr. Gary North has written an entire commentary on the Bible and economics — from Genesis to Revelation.
Rand is the author of a number of novels that illustrate an
Objectivist Ideology that represent the morality of
free-market capitalism and
rational self-interest. Does one need to be an Objectivist to be able to account for the legitimacy of the
free-market and economic s
elf-interest? No.
Like today’s New Atheists, Rand advocated reason as the only means of
acquiring knowledge and rejected all forms of faith and religion. She
rational egoism (an action is rational if and only if it maximizes a person’s self-interest) and rejected
ethical altruism (individuals have a moral obligation to help, serve, or benefit others). In her 1964
Playboy interview,
Rand stated, “Objectivism tells you that you must not accept any idea
or conviction unless you can demonstrate its truth by means of reason.”
But how does an atheist account for reason given materialist assumptions
about the nature of reality? Reason is non-material. In addition, how
does Rand know that reason is reasonable? She
the validity of reason. If she used anything else to prove reason’s
validity, then that proof-point would be more foundational than reason.
Her reason-only approach is circular.
Without a biblical worldview there is no way to account for the
limited sovereignty of the individual and the inviolate sanctity of
intellectual and physical property, themes expressed in
The Fountainhead and
Atlas Shrugged.
Her atheism did not give her the needed foundation for such claims. She
borrowed these foundational principles and separated them from their
source. She’s like the “little girl who must climb on her father’s lap
to slap his face. . . . [T]he unbeliever must use the world as it has
been created by God to try to throw God off Hs throne.”
[] Her observational principles work in her system as long as the majority of people are
not atheists.
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