Being a registered Independent Conservative..I need these questions answered..damn the torpedos full steam ahead..answer openly and honestly no dodging allowed!
Would you give a full Pardon and reinstatement to LTC Terry Lakin? [Executive Order]
Would you give a full Pardon reinstatement to Lt.Michael Behenna [Executive Order] see> http://www.militarycorruption.com/behenna.htm
Would you pay back the stolen funds from Social Security by both sides of the aisle and put a lock box on the funds?
Would you overturn the repeal of 'Don't ask don't Tell' ? [Executive Order]
Would you appoint Allen West as Secretary of Defense or Homeland Security?
Would you appoint Sarah Palin as Secretary of State or Interior?
Would you appoint Michele Bachmann as USAG ?
Would you support a Bill requiring all candidates for the Office of President and VP to submit full disclosure of a certified LFBC and all records relating to work history...College Records...Passport Records...Selective Service (draft registration) Records...disclosure of affiliation with any groups being known to be enemies of the State? [Past and present]
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