Yeppers >
<~ Truly a Hot Dog Politician
Well Romney sure knows a lot about business and selection of qualified candidates...or not! Paul Ryan to be blunt is a professional student and politician...His only work experience in the real world was that of being a salesman for Oscar Mayer Hot Dogs[Even drove the Weiner Mobile Van ]..and part time personal trainer...the rest of his life was that of a student then aide to Politicians before becoming a 7 term Congressional representative.. Sorry GOP I am not impressed in the least...and why did this physically fit young college graduate avoid serving in the US Military to show his patriotism?
Don't know about y'all but I am sick of the Progressive Marxist DNC and the Professional Politician GOP...truly time for a third Party to evolve and take back our Great country... following strict Constitutional guidelines, serving the people as a whole not personal interests and agendas!
ADDENDUM: Sarah Palin on VP choice:

Well Romney sure knows a lot about business and selection of qualified candidates...or not! Paul Ryan to be blunt is a professional student and politician...His only work experience in the real world was that of being a salesman for Oscar Mayer Hot Dogs[Even drove the Weiner Mobile Van ]..and part time personal trainer...the rest of his life was that of a student then aide to Politicians before becoming a 7 term Congressional representative.. Sorry GOP I am not impressed in the least...and why did this physically fit young college graduate avoid serving in the US Military to show his patriotism?
Don't know about y'all but I am sick of the Progressive Marxist DNC and the Professional Politician GOP...truly time for a third Party to evolve and take back our Great country... following strict Constitutional guidelines, serving the people as a whole not personal interests and agendas!
ADDENDUM: Sarah Palin on VP choice:
As a guest on Fox News' "Hannity"
Thursday, Palin said her first choice for Romney's running mate would
have been Florida Congressman Allen West.
"The liberal left is absolutely
terrified of Allen West and what he represents," Palin said. "A war hero
who honorably served our country continuing today in his official
capacity as a representative."
But she said she would support anyone that Romney chose. "Anybody but Obama," Palin said.
So mittsy made Paul Ryan his running mate for the GOP nomination! Good luck with that fascist party! Do I have some problems with his voting record? Let me check, Yep! I have some problem with his voting record. Voted to renew, extend scope of, and make permanent patriot act. Voted for NDAA, voted for hr 347, and voted against repeal of the indefinite detention of US citizens in the NDAA! Voted for tarp, bailouts, and medicare part d, which i guess he now needs to fix. Voted for obumas appointees not to need senate consent. Again this is a winning team for America why?